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After skillfully tracking down Shawn's car, un-noticed.

We arrived at a warehouse and tried to hide out of plain sight. Noticing the security footage. Luther skillfully directed the way as we successfully stayed out of sight.

Surprisingly, the place wasn't locked. We walked in cautiously.

This seems to be one of the Angoteh's Warehouse because the containers had their logo embedded on each of them.

Someone pulled me back and clasped my mouth. It was luther. He brought my face to him and placed his index finger on his lips in a bid to tell me to keep quiet and made me look towards the direction of where I now saw Shawn who was tied to a chair with Eric and some other guys surrounding him.

We weren't that far from them and I could vividly hear what they said.

"You made a huge mistake in killing our brother! What were you expecting? To go scot free? No payment or consequences? Huh?? Tell me Shawn!!! What did he ever do for you to end his life???" Eric screamed at Shawn's face

Shawn didn't seem to be putting in too much of a fight as he said.

"I am sorry. It was never in my intention to kill him. I have nothing to justify my actions. I'm really sorry. I live with that guilt everyday!" I could see the sincerity in Shawn's look and I felt sorry for him.

This is so not like the Shawn I know.

"Lies! You won't fool me. Tell me why you killed my brother? What did he ever do to you that his payment was his death?" Eric queried

Shawn was silent

"Huh?" Eric pestered on

Shawn remained quiet

"Don't keep me quiet!!! I have every right to know!"

"You are going to kill me anyway. What's the essence of sharing the truth with you ? I already accepted that Today is the day I die and finally pay for my sins that has haunted me my entire life. Telling you why I killed Frederick changes nothing." Shawn said with little to no strength.

He seemed to have been brutally beaten. His clothes soiled with blood and his eyes swollen.

It seemed like he has given up

Just then my heart sank as I was beginning to realize how this might end up.

I don't want him to die.

My eyes began to get teary.

Eric should just let this go.

What the hell do I do to stop this ?

"Well, you are not going to die that easily. First, the whole world would see the vicious side of their dear sweet Shawn Angoteh aka Shawnlama. Their young rich bachelor who sapped away the life of an innocent 16 year old when he was just 17. What more atrocities has he done now that he is near 22 ?" He questioned, sounding like the villain of a movie.

He continued,
"You are going to watch as the entire world turns it's back on you. You are going to watch as they spite and unleash their rage on you. You are going to watch every thing you worked so hard for, crash down to ashes. You are going to watch as your sweet Selena hates you forever. You are going to watch as the law enforcement agencies take action and ruin you. You would watch your life fade before your own eyes and you would watch your mental health get totally decipated. You would call for death and you won't find it. Yes, I would ruin you."Eric spoke in the most sinister way ever and I felt goosebumps surround me, his words were so raw and it scared me.

I can't believe this is the Eric I once loved. How can he be this cruel. Shawn apologized. He doesn't have to ruin his life that much.

This is so unbelievable.

I'm lost for words.

I know he is deeply pained by Fredrick's death but this is too much.

I looked at Shawn and his broken state stung my heart.

I can't stand here and watch Eric ruin the life of the Man I have come to love. The Man who has stuck with me in my worst. The Man who has sacrificed so much for my safety from the Russo's

"You know, the plan was to kill you immediately I found the proof I needed to show the world what a scumbag you are. but then, you took the girl I loved. My girl. Of all the girls, it had to be her! I can't wait to watch the sight of her looking at you in horror and disgust. I would let you watch me take her into my arms and comfort her. It would be a fun sight watching you crumble as I take everything that ever mattered to you. Just like you took mine."Eric said as he walked towards a laptop placed on top of one of the containers, directly facing Shawn.

"Just one click and I'm sending this to the net. Watch as your world crumble before your own eyes..."Eric said as he made to click on his laptop.

"I won't watch you do that to my son" the stern voice of Daniel Angoteh echoed across the room.

The hell ?

How and when did he get here ?

Just then, I noticed Luther was communicating something via those cool communication thingy placed on the ear.

"The fuck did you get here?" Eric Cussed.

Just then I noticed the entire building surrounded by who I believed were The Angoteh's Men.

Within a snap of the finger, the Laptop was confiscated and Eric's gang members, over powered.

"You made a huge mistake trying to mess with my family, Eric. And a huger mistake trying to ruin the heir of The Angoteh's Group. And a way huger mistake by taking your operations to our warehouse." Mr Daniel's voice echoed with so much authority and power.

Eric was trying to struggle his way out of the men holding him down.

"I guess we would all burn then" Eric said with a mischievous grin on his face and my heart stuttered.

What else did he have up his sleeves ?

Just then I noticed him dip his hands in his pocket and brought out an oval shaped item, looking like a tiny pineapple.


A grenade.

Sorry for slow updates. I'm going to start updating consistently now.

God help me.

Please give this chapter a vote, it motivates me to write more.

Thanks for sticking around.

Happy New Year 🥳🌈💍💎❤️🤸🏾‍♀️💃🏾

Peace Out ✌🏾
-Ebere 🖤

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