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~Its strange how one night changed everything~

I stepped out of the bed and noticed a paper note. So, I picked it up and saw

Miss You Already

And with that.. I smiled.

Done with brushing and taking a hot shower, I stepped out of my room wearing a Jean and a hoodie, its pretty cold today.

When I opened the door, I saw Luther standing beside the door with his back to the wall.

He probably noticed my presence or perhaps the door I just slammed close

"Good Morning Ma'am" Luther Greeted

"Please call me Selena and stop being too formal " I sighed

"I would try" Luther said with a slight smile.

"Good. So, have you been here all night?" I asked

"I have been here since Mr Shawn left this morning" he said

"Okayyyy..."I dragged as thoughts of my ordeal with Shawn, last night consumed my mind. I felt flushed..

"Boss Svyatoyvich asked that you have breakfast when you are up, he would be back by noon"

"Great! Because I am starving!!"

Luther Chuckled as he led me to the dining room which looks very exquisite. I noticed about 3 Ladies dressed like maids while I made my way to the Dining and they all greeted me.

"Maids?" I asked Luther

"Yes ma-- ..Sorry... Yes, Selena" Luther corrected.

"Hi, Madam Selena. I am Gina, the head of household upkeeping for Mr Svyatoyvich. What would you want for breakfast?" An elderly Black Woman greeted

"Good Morning Ma, Dont take this the wrong way but I don't think you can make Nigerian meals.."

Gina chuckled and said

"Yes, I can't but Mr Svyatoyvich hired a Nigerian Chef just for you"

"Cool, Then I want Fried Yam, Plantain and Egg sauce.. " I said

"I can actually make that though but regardless your meal would be served within the next 15minutes" Gina said and left.

I took that time to look around the Mansion and I Spotted Eric? Is he supposed to be here?

"Luther, Why is Eric here?" I asked

"Oh, Mr Shawn said he should stay behind" Luther replied..

"Okayyyy"I dragged
I wonder where my Father went to

"Luther, have you always worked for my father? The whole working for a secret agency was just a cover story,right?" I inquired

"Yes, I have always worked for your father, I am not allowed to disclose anything about the secret agency"

"Perhaps give me a name?"

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