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After that date with Shawn, we both got a bit more closer to each other.

We chatted late at nights and made midnight calls, Sensing he is a busy young man he had little to no chance to talk with me during the day.

Shawn Angoteh is the current CEO of Angoteh Groups not because his Father is dead but because he newly graduated from the university in First Class and his father's gift to him was the CEO position.

Poor Shawn, with so much responsibility at just 21.

Heading a Company isn't easy, talk more of a Group.

My phone rings and its a call from  Shawn

"Hey" I greeted

"Hey" he greeted back and continued

"Are you a fan of ShawnLama? Because I got a VIP ticket to his unveiling and I won't be able to attend" he said

"Why" I asked, wondering why anyone would miss out on the chance to attend ShawnLama's event plus with a fucking VIP ticket!

"Business matters"he said with no further explanation and added.

"How would you like to have them? It's actually two. I'm supposed to attend with a date. Do you have anyone you would like to go with?"


Did I hear right or are my ears playing tricks on me

"Wait, are you serious?" I asked, hoping against all hopes that this wasn't a joke.

"Do I sound like I am joking?" He asked and then I squealed in excitement

"Oh my God! Thank you so much. Geez. I'm so out of words I don't even know what to say" I said with so much joy washing over me.

I heard him chuckle.

"You seem to be a big fan of this ShawnLama guy" he said

"Not just a big fan, I'm a crazy fan like his voice is everything. I love him! You have no idea how giving me this ticket makes me feel. I'm really grateful. Thank you so much Shawn, you are the best." I said really grateful.

"You are welcome. Have fun" he said as the call ended and I jumped in excitement.

Quickly calling Betty's line.

"Hey Psycho!" I said, immediately she  picked the phone call

"yo! Crazy?" Betty replied sounding like she was just waking up from bed.

"Are you still sleeping by this time?" I asked totally amused

"Is that why you called me?"She asked grumpily and that's all I needed to confirm that she was indeed just waking up

"No. But, guess what?" I asked, excitement totally spilling from my tone.

"You finally got pregnant and now I can get someone to call me aunt?" Betty asked and I'm not surprised as I chuckled

"Why would you even think that?" I asked.

"Seemed like the only reason why you would wake me up from my peaceful sleep"She said with a yawn and I chuckled again.

"Cow! I wonder how you are coping with studying law" I mocked.

"Urhm... Money..? And sex..?" She said, sounding like it's obvious.

"geez! You are only 19... Too much sex would do you no good. Concentrate on your studies" I joked

"Okay Mum" she replied, playing along.

As we laughed and talked about a few things, slowly deviating from the reason I called her in the first place.

"Well, I have an assignment to work on so I'm just going to say why I called you."I said, breaking the little banter we were having over the phone.

"Okay, I'm listening"she said

"Shawn got us VIP tickets to ShawnLama's unveiling!!!" I said buzzing with excitement as I squealed at the last word.

"Holy sweet jessica!!!" I heard Betty shriek from the other end and we both screamed together.

"Thats crazy.. You know how much those costs" Betty said as our screams died down

"I know! I can't believe this too. We would be seated very close to the Stage!" I said happily, my cheeks burning from smiling for so long.

"So true"Betty commented

"Happy 2 years Friend-niversary babe" I added.

"Happy 2 years friend-niversary. I am so glad to have met you.. You have just the perfect dose of craziness to keep me wild"Betty said

"... Hey! That rhymed" She quickly added

"Awwwwn, Thanks babe. Although the words don't rhyme" I voiced with a tease.

"fool" Betty Cussed

"Asshole" I replied back with a Cuss.

"Get off my phone" She said with a chuckle

"Go back to bed" I said and ended the phone call.


The day is finally here!! The unveiling of ShawnLama.

Betty came to my apartment yesterday and well, we gossiped.
We also went out for some spa time and of course, manicures and pedicures.

We are all set for the event and because I'm bad at giving Descriptions, Just know we both wore similar clothes.

It is a red gown that stopped at ankle length with a slit that stops at mid thigh and an open back which stopped at my waistline, revealing the moon Tattoo I had on my back.

Oh, I never told you I had a moon tattoo?

Well, I have always had one since I was born.

Like, I said before I was adopted and my parents said I always had the Moon Tattoo perhaps its linked to my biological family. Because, the Tattoo also had a Russian word imprinted around it which meant 'family' when translated to English.

I don't really know but it feels cool to have a Tattoo.

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