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~Nothing beats a Father - Daughter time~

Okay! My father is some bad ass after going to the cinema we went to a casino bar where we drank a few and played pool games.

You need to watch my father defeat his opponents in a swoop at the game of snooker!

At every victory, I was sure to cheer on! And the smile on his face at every cheer I gave for his victory was damn priceless.

Then we went to Games Planet where I forced my father into playing the dance game with me.

God! Was it hilarious to see a 50 year old man dancing to the tunes of BlackPink's music?

He looked so concentrated on hitting the right tabs it was a beautiful memory that stays engraved in my heart.

The laughter we shared

The boo hoos we gave

The competitive games we played

The victories we cheered

The loses we mocked

God! It was perfect.

I was happy, I could lighten his mood and bring a bit more sunshine to his gloomy days and at that very moment where I spared a glance to look at my dancer partner in this dance game, his furrowed eyebrows and his cool exterior in spite of it all and that little spark of joy in his eyes.

I swore.

I swore to do whatever it took to remain alive for him and  to do whatever it takes to keep him from the Russo's grasp when I finally takeover the Russo's protection at age 21.

We went for a few bites at an eatery, he ordered for Hamburger and fries with a glass of lemonade.


He loves that combo as much as I do and that's what I ordered for too.

We took a sit at the left end of the eatery which was a good spot to stay incognito.

"I would love to learn a few about running an arms company and arms creation too" I said

and I swore I saw his eyes spark.

"Wow! Really?" he asked, his face all lit up.

"Yes and some self defence classes would do me some good" I answered.

"That's awesome, which means this news would be much easier to share with you" he said

"What news?" I asked with my curious antennae switched on.

"I have come to believe that the perfect place to keep you safe is in Russia. You would be moving to Moscow, Russia" he said with all smiles.

My joy knew no bounds and I felt so high with the thoughts of all the adventures I could have in Russia

"Yay! Oh my God! That is awesome. Russia? Wow, I can't wait... When?" I inquired

"Next weekend, I'm putting together a safe place that you can stay with high level security and I'm sorting out your school works. You would be attending a private University and maybe by weekend you could have your classes on everything you need to know about the arms trade and have some self defence classes too" he finished

"But, what if the Russo's know I'm in  Russia?" I asked

"They won't and that's one reason you cant step into the Moon's Enterprise till you clock 21. They got eyes in the Enterprise and that's  how they found out about you and your mother 18 years ago. I eliminated the spies but you can never tell." He looked at me and there was a slight pause before he said

"Are you okay with this? You would be leaving the life you knew here, your friends... Your... Shawn...?"

Oh my freaking Goodness!

I forgot about Shawn!

"I... I would have to talk to him and urhm... Urhm... bre... bre... Break up with him" I said with a stutter and a croaked voice, with a slight quiver.

The thought of breaking up with Shawn invaded my mind as I felt my heart prick in pain.

Why am I feeling so sad about it?

We were never even in an actual relationship.

But still... Shawn is a very special person to me and the thoughts of never staying in contact with him breaks me.

He was there for me despite all odds.

He comforted me at my lowest

Made me feel pleasures I never thought I could ever feel.

He put himself at risk for my safety and here I am...

Thinking of ending things with him.

Am I being selfish?

Staying in Russia ensures my safety without getting anyone involved in my mess.

It would keep Shawn safe and free to tackle his business and work to his best capabilities.

No extra drama and stress from me anymore

His freedom to have a normal life again, which would totally break me.

I promised myself never to fall for anyone and somehow I fell for Shawn and here I am again, all heartbroken.

Just like Deja Vu

Except better, My heartbreak is for a good course.

Then again...

this thoughts reminds me of someone.

... Jeremy.

I ain't leaving Nigeria without messing with him for messing with my heart.

So, I say to my father,

"I have a story to tell you, father and at the end I hope you help me?"

Hey Guys... My birthday is coming up like soonest.

August 1st.

This girl would be 19!!


Happy Birthday in Advance to me.

Well, I started a new book titled: Vulnerable!!!

Yeah... An applause would be nice yunno.

Awwwn! Thank you.

So here is a little synopsis of the book.

Audrey is 17 and at her final year in highschool when she meets Derrick.

Audrey prefers being referred to as a scholar than as a nerd and has a very terrible social life.

Derrick left Nigeria for Malaysia the previous year and came back loaded with cash, everyone wonders what he went over there to do. Giving him the title 'Malaysian Burger' because he went to Malaysia and conquered!
He is quite your cool bad guy who has a buzzing social life.

Derrick finds a cute interest in Audrey and feels mandated to show Audrey the different colors of life by making her experience things she never thought possible.

Like Audrey's Brother,Andy warns Audrey.

"Audrey! He is a bad influence and you are  so... Vulnerable"

I would side with Andy on this one.

Thats the book's cover in the media box.

Ok, bye.

And urhm pls don't forget to VOTE.

Peace Out✌🏾

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