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~Payback is a fully armored BITCH!~
-Jeremy Abiodun

"What! How DARE him! I swear, I'm gonna make him suffer for hurting my little girl!"

I just told my father about how my Jeremy's breakup went and damn! You could feel those angers seeping into your skin and weirdly I loved it. It got my adrenaline pumping and I wanted to hurt Jeremy myself.

"He is going to fucking pay!" My father spat.

Obviously, we were in public, so he wasn't throwing a tantrum! We wouldn't want to throw attention to ourselves, would we?

Wait! My father used the f-word!

I doubt he realized that.

"Shit! I used the f-word!" He muttered.

Is this just me or is my father definitely not portraying elderly traits.

He is like those old men you watch on the internet with tattoos having a good time.

And like those old men who dance quite attractively with money screaming their name.

"So, how do we deal with Jeremy?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I would handle him myself. Give me his details"he said

"No, I want in on this. That guy fucking hurt my feelings and I want to watch him break as much as I did! I've tried going slow but I'm leaving soon and this is the perfect time For PAYBACK!" I said with all the authority and seriousness I could muster at the same time trying not to attract attention.

He looked at me studiously and then kept staring straight into my eyes, I did not waver. I kept my eyes locked in his.

After what felt like the longest stare down, éver? He finally said.

"Lets have some fun bonding time before we leave, then."


Today, we are kicking off our plans to mess with Jeremy.

Its 5 days before my departure to Russia and I've not talked to Shawn about it.

Its just scary, okay?

I can't stand watching him pained when I break the news to him

But, I know delaying things won't help either.

"Luna? Let's go!"

My father calls me Luna now, which is actually my real name. Meaning light or moon and that's what Selena means as well.

I would be going by my real name in Russia. My school file would stay classified.

The plan is to stay inconspicious as possible and not try to get attention to myself, just go for classes, leave and go home. It doesn't sound fun and I live for fun.

Yeah, you should expect me to break some few rules.

We're currently at a cafe where Jeremy should be coming in soon.

My father is seated alone as he awaits Jeremy's arrival while I sit with Luther who is really no fun as he keeps observing the environment.

Jeremy finally comes in, he brings out his phone and my father seems to answer a phone call.

They both make eye contact and Jeremy walks towards him and then takes a seat opposite my father's

What happens next friegthens the hell out of me.

My father gives the deathliest glare I've ever seen to Jeremy as he talks quietly but you can feel that fear grip you with every word that escapes his lips.

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