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~Fuck me like you hate me~

“You were so bad ass! I just watched the video on YouTube, how you deadpan refuted ShawnLama’s love confession to you.

I want to be happy for you but how dare you do that?
Its cool but to hell with cool sis! Its freaking ShawnLama plus wide-eyed right now!!! Son of Angoteh!! A freaking multimillionaire!

Sis, were you drunk??? Better call him right now if you have his phone number and plead to have him back.. Or fine, send me his number, I would do it myself!!

Oh God! I’m going to pee my panties!! I mean ShawnLama? Did you not feel those manly muscles when you hugged him?

Did you not see how freaking Greek-god worthy he looked? I know am 15, but it’s the 21st century.. I understand the next few lines am about to say..” She paused and continued

“Were you not turned on?..” My sis just kept rambling and won’t give me the chance to say shit!

That’s Amanda for you.

If I am going to end this conversation any moment from now, I have got to say something.

“If this would calm your tits.. I’m with Shawnlama right now! So shut the fuck up and go to bed before Mum & Dad comes to your room and wonder what the hell has gone missing in your head” Amanda can be really annoying!

“That’s not true! You are not with him plus Mum & Dad aren’t home for the weekend, they left in a rush an hour ago and our dumb nanny is asleep. I just wonder how they contacted the nanny in such short notice and at an ungodly hour. I also wonder why they hired a nanny! I’m like 15? A full grown girl already undergoing puberty.

I don’t need a nanny, maybe Armani does but I don’t.. Like com’on… Wait! am I still undergoing puberty or I already undergone pub…” And again, Amanda continues her rant.

This won’t end if I do nothing. She should probably study law, if she decides to be a newscaster, she would end up killing the news vibe (sighing) but if she goes for law, the judge would get so exhausted with her talks and just give her the win to save his soul.

“Amanda?” I called her name to grab her attention..

“You are ranting, again!”

“No, I am not.. Ranting is when you keep talking and talking then you divert to saying something else connected to what you were talking about, then you find another thing connected to what you were saying and keep talking and talking, then you go ahead to…” God? Remind me why I answered her phone call!!

“Amanda, why did you call me, again?” I sighed, hoping this call ends to save my soul.

“Oh.. Urhm.. Shawn… Yah ShawnLama.. You said, you were with him, right?  Send a selfie of the two of you right now!” Amanda Commanded which is really rude but if I want to escape her rant, I am going to ignore her rudeness and just give her what she wants.

“Fine, I would forward it to you on WhatsApp, so get off my phone!” I barked at her with satisfaction and ended her call before she could even say ‘A’

I faced Shawn and asked
“Mind taking a selfie with me?”

“That might cost you a little” he replied with a devilishly-delicious look!
Is that a word?

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