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~Take me like you own me... I'm all yours~
-Anonymous E

"Luna Moya malen'kaya dochka"
(Luna, My baby Daughter)

How I understood that?

I had a private Russian Language Teacher.

I always wondered why they made me learn Russian, its not like I am complaining .. I enjoyed speaking and even writing the Language but whenever I asked Mr and Mrs Jerome,then.. They always answered with

"It's a necessity for you Lena, So stop the questions and just learn the Language!"

And as a good daughter, of course, I did not question them anymore.

" Nana ? "(Papa?)
I muttered as I raised my head to meet a Smiling Fine Old Man, probably in his fifties?

Okay, Okay... He is not that old...

"Davay Obinway Papu "(Come give Papa a hug)

I have no idea why I ran and gave him a tight embrace. I should hate this man!    But... I couldn't..

His Presence was so Welcoming, I couldn't feel angry, I wanted to yell at me for leaving me but I couldn't. I just allowed myself soak in his Warm embrace.

"I missed you"He said

I couldn't say I missed him back, I never knew he existed or spent time with me as far as I remember.. So, why would I say I missed him when I didn't?

"Luther would Show you to your room, I know we have a lot of catching up to do. But, you have to rest, it has been a long night, we would talk tomorrow while I speak with Shawn tonight"My Father said as he breaks of the hug and cups my chin, looking at me with so much admiration radiating off him.

"..you look just like your mother.." He muttered as I stepped away from him, and Luther led me to my room..

I did not know what to say to him.

I hated every thought of my biological parents.

I had made up so many scenarios in my head, if I ever got a chance to meet them

how I would viciously spit out my hatred towards them

How I would make life a living hell for them

How I would just hate that they actually exist

But thats before I realised why I had to be dumped at an Orphanage

When I realised my Dad was the only real parent I had left, My mum is gone.

When I realized Mr & Mrs Jerome never really cared or loved me, they had to act as a loving foster parent because they were getting paid to train me up properly and with love.

I want to hate my Dad but I can't...

He is probably all I got...

"Here is your room,Ma'am" Luther said, waking me up from my reverie as he opened a 2-Way Door(I have no idea, if thats what its called)

"Whoaw!" The room is actually huge, an actual King Sized bed, the room is interiorly decorated like a royal princessa's room, having a colour blend of Gold and Silver. You know how am pretty bad at giving descriptions,So please pardon me because this is all the description I can give at the moment.

I walked into the room in awe as Luther said

"Call me when you need me ma'am" As he stepped out of the room and closed the door.

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