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~Who would ever love me if they found out everything; My sins, secrets, thoughts, acts and deeds of the past~
-Tolu Oni  


I stepped out of my car while my driver rode it to the parking space.

While heading towards the house, I heard a car's honk followed by the gate slided open.

I looked back...

Noticing it was Selena and the guards, I decided to wait at the front porch of the house with a smile.

Selena comes out of the car and her facial expression made my smile falter..

She looked sad and why am I so affected?

Its like her pain affects me ...

I immediately walked towards her and asked

"What's wrong Selena? What happened? What did they say? Why are you crying?"
I asked desperately needing to know what went wrong.

She said nothing as she sobbed.

I hugged her and began stroking her back to give her comfort.

Slowly her Sobs subsided while I led her into the house.

Selena is going through too much and it kills me that I am helpless at situations like this.

I feel guilty for calling her out on stage at my unveiling.

Who would have thought that it would endanger her life?

I thought we would just have paparazzi to deal with and I had that handled.

Till the call On Monday Morning after the little saga with my father.

After Selena left to freshen up, the maid arrived almost immediately and I gave her a short and my top to drop on Selena's bed.

The food arrived and I told the maid about Selena, instructing her to tell Selena to come and have breakfast in the masters bedroom (My bedroom).

I walked into my bedroom and heard my phone ring. Surprisingly, it was a foreign number.

I picked it up.


"Hello, I believe I am speaking with Shawn Angoteh Mahal?"
That was also surprising, because I rarely used 'Mahal' its my second name.

"Yes, and who are you?" I asked, my phone number wasn't open to the public, just a few family, friends and close business associates... And Selena..

"I am Viktor Svyatoyvich, Father to Selena Jerome " if that wasn't unexpected, I dunno what else is.

"I do not understand you..."

"Selena is my daughter and she is now in danger because our family Tattoo imprinted on her back, since birth has been exposed to the public, it wouldn't take time before they add the pieces together...  Before they  come for her.."

"Hold on Hold on.. Is this a prank call or what? Because, I have other important things to do, other than listen to this..."

Till 21: Selena's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now