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"W-what j-just ha-happened?" Nightmare said as he stood up from where he was. He looked around to find his gang scattered on the ground, getting up from the throw.

"Looks like Dream went rogue." Killer said as he helped up Horror. Nightmare looked over to where Cross was and approached him. As he was about to tap his shoulder, he was immediately punched in the face, causing him to fall back. "You're all blind idiots!" Cross's eyes were glowing red as black substances start to drip down them.

"What the f**k was that for?!" Nightmare yelled back. Cross grew even angrier. "For being such a terrible brother to Dream!" Purple tears start to leak out of his eyes.
"Yeah right! Dream knows nothing of what I've been through!" Nightmare argued, getting angrier at the moment.

"Oh yeah?! What have you been through?!" Cross asked agitated and gritted his teeth, impatiently waiting for his answer.

"I was bullied by the villagers back when I wasn't even corrupted yet! For years I've suffered mentally and physically from that!"

"WELL DAMN THAT EXPLANATION OF YOURS!" Cross already knew that only a couple years of torture isn't compare to what Dream got through. 5 centuries of torture is what Dream went before breaking entirely.

"I'M GOING TO FIND DREAM! DON'T YOU DARE FOLLOW ME YOU HORRIBLE EXCUSE OF A BROTHER!" Cross stormed off in another direction, teleporting away from them.

'What does he know?' Nightmare rolled his eyelights. Killer approached him and hugged him from behind. "Nighty, you're so adorable in this form~" He flirted, which made Nightmare blush a bit. "Knock it off, Kills. We gotta figure out what to do with Dream." Nightmare got off Killer's grasp and he teleported them all back to their castle.

They all sat in the living room couches and began discussing what to do. "Why don't we ask Blue and Ink? They seem to know more about Dream." Dust suggested.
"Ugh, fine. Just make it quick, we don't want anyone to keep waiting." Nightmare told him. Dust nodded and dialed Blue's number on his phone.

{Time skip~}

"Alright, what do you guys want?" Blue said as he sits beside Dust on the couch. "What happened to Dream?" Nightmare asked sternly, wanting a direct answer right now.
"Dream? Well, his boyfriend, Cross kicked us out of his house just so he can take it for himself. I mean, how selfish can Dream get?!" Ink said angrily and crossed his arms.

Nightmare raised a bone brow, but decided to shrugged it off cause they had more important matters to deal with.
"Alright, can tell me what we should do about Dream? We have to bring him back." Nightmare said.
"Do we really have to?" Ink whined, not really amused by what happened to Dream. "Dream's just being a huge baby, why should we care about him?! He should be able to do it by himself!" Ink continued his ranting, which made everyone look at him with a face that says 'Wow, this guy is insufferable' and just rolled their eye at him.

Meanwhile with Shattered...

Shattered was currently back in Dream's home. Sitting on the bed while holding an oval shaped mirror. He was currently speaking to Dream. "For the last time, Dream. I'm going to be fine, don't worry. Just get some well deserved rest, okay?" "O-okay Shattered. B-but only if you apologize to Cross" Dream said from the reflection. Shattered sighs. "I'll think about it, Dream. I need to test him to know if he is a good enough partner for you to live with." Shattered said. Dream would protest, but he knew Shattered was right, so he waved one last goodbye before disappearing into the mirror. Leaving Shattered alone with his real reflection.

Then, he heard a knock on the door. Shattered growled and looked outside the window of his bedroom to see Cross waiting for him to open the door.

Shattered teleported downstairs and opened the door. He gave Cross a glare that says 'You've got a lot of nerve coming here'. He allowed Cross to come in so they can talk to each other.

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