Pages of the Past

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Dream was celebrating his birthday all alone with only a mirror to keep him company. Cross heard things that Dream was saying to the mirror.

"Nobody likes me anymore..."

"They all forgot I exist..."

"I don't even know if Cross still loves me..."

"I'm just a worthless piece of junk waiting to be thrown away..."

Dream buried his face in his hands and started crying.
Cross was unintentionally crying purple tears. His boyfriend instincts came so he dashed towards Dream and gave him a tight hug while trying to hold back some tears.
Dream was startled at first, but he continued crying and buried his face into Cross' chest.

Cross rubbed circles on his back and comforted the smaller skeleton. Cross felt so guilty for not being there for Dream. The weight of his guilt was heavier than he could handle.
How could he leave his boyfriend like this? How could he not see that he felt this way about himself?

"I'm sorry!" Cross yelled out. More tears bursted out his eye sockets as he felt even guiltier by the second.
They stayed on the floor, hugging each other for comfort. More tears flowed out from both their eyes as they continued on bawled out on their situations.

Dream stopped crying and passed out from exhaustion. Cross was still awake. He picked up Dream and carried him to his bedroom, locking the doors.
He set the sleeping Dream on the bed and was about to go and cuddle with him, until his eyes saw something nearby.

There was a yellow notebook with a yellow star sticker on the front. The notebook had nothing entitled on it, Cross felt the urge to read it so he flipped the pages and started reading, unaware that it was Dream's journal.

Date: November 10, 20XX

    "Today, I was casually hanging out with my friends, although they seem a bit off for some reason. When I went to the kitchen to get some snacks, I overheard them talking about me. Ink said that I was a major screw up and Blue agreed to it as well. I didn't know why, but my heart ached when they said those things about me. I decided to not talk to them about it and continued acting like everything is fine. Even though it clearly wasn't."

Cross' eyes widened. He looked back at Dream to make sure he wasn't awake and kept reading more pages of the journal.

Date: December 25, 20XX

    "It's Christmas, a day filled with joy and happiness! Well... For everyone else I guess. My brother, Nightmare, hosted a party and didn't invite me at all. He invited my friends instead and even forbid Cross to come over and hang out with me.
I sometimes wonder why the world was so against me. Everyone just wants me to suffer, but I guess it's all my fault. Everyone else deserve to be happy instead of me."

Cross felt tears prick at the edge of his eye sockets. Thoughts swirled around his mind as he kept reading more pages.

Date: January 9, 20XX

    "I did the most stupidest thing today, I ate the black apple. Guilt has been consuming me for these past few months and it pushed me to do it. Nobody else knows about this because I can't let anyone find out. At least I made a friend today and he calls himself 'Shattered'. At first I thought he was evil like Nightmare, but he was actually caring and nice to me. Shattered only shows himself in my dreams and in my reflections because he's only the embodiment of my negative side. He also helped me hide my negativity from anyone else."

Cross was now having mixed feelings inside of him. He didn't know how to explain his reaction towards this and just kept reading.

Date: February 14, 20XX

    "Today was Valentine's day, but Cross didn't give me anything. He didn't even came to my house and hang out for once. I'm beginning to think our relationship isn't going to work out with us being apart for so long. He said he was busy working for Nightmare and didn't have time for me. I guess Nightmare just wants to keep him away from me. It's fine, I guess. I deserve this pain.
At least Shattered kept me company whenever I'm alone with a mirror. We would talk for hours and hours while I continue to cut myself. Shattered said that I should stop, but I couldn't stop. The guilt inside me was going to make me insane, I had to do self harm to keep myself together. I just hope no one else will know about this."

Cross was shocked, he looked towards the sleeping Dream worriedly and gently took off his gloves. What he saw, broke his soul into a million pieces.
Many cuts were planted on both of his arms. Cross couldn't handle it anymore so he teleported into a nearby forest.

He started punching a big tree, trying to cool his emotions off. Purple tears kept flowing as he summoned a knife and cut several trees in the forest until he was finally calmed down.
He sighed and looked at the notebook again, he kept it in his pocket because he still needs to know more.

He prepared himself and opened the last page that was written.

Date: ???

    "Today, I attempted Suicide, I couldn't take it anymore. I just want to disappear from this world and forget about everything that ever happened to me. I wish I never existed. I wish I was never born. I hate this. I hate my life. I hate my job. My brother hates me.
I don't want to write in here anymore. So this is goodbye."

"NO! DAMMIT!" Cross exclaimed as he kept trying to find more pages to answer his questions. He yelled out to the sky all of his anger and guilt. He was agitated because Dream has been living in hell for who knows how long, and yet, no one even noticed! How oblivious can people get?!
He shoved the notebook back into his pocket and teleported back to the house.

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