An Ending

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Welp, here it is guys! The End! Please enjoy! ^w^


Dream's eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room. His eyes were still sleepy and dazed. There was a black eyed skeleton sitting near his bed. He doesn't know why, but he feels a bad vibe coming from him, like he should avoid him.

Dream tried to speak, but then the door opened. Revealing a skeleton wearing a black and white outfit. He strangely feels a good vibe coming from him, like he's trustworthy.
Then another one came in, a skeleton who was wearing some sort of purple outfit and a golden crown with a moon embedded in it. The vibe coming from him was dark and untrustworthy to him.

"Dream!" The guy with the black and white outfit called out, but he didn't know who he was calling. "Dream, it's me, Cross." The guy named Cross hugged him.
Dream felt comfortable hugging him, so he hugged back. Even though he'd just met him today.

"Sorry, but I don't know who you are..." Dream said to him, which made Cross frown and was about to cry. Dream tried to calm him down and Cross did. "D-don't worry... I-I'll protect you. I promise."

Dream smiled lightly. Then all of the sudden, the skeleton with the purple outfit hugged him. Dream was immediately shocked and he pushed him away. Causing everyone in the room to go wide eyes. "I-I'm sorry stranger, I-I didn't mean for that to happen."

"I-It's okay, Dream. I-I'm fine. I'm Nightmare, you're brother."


"O-okay, Nightmare." That name gave him shivers. Then two people came into the room, an untrustworthy vibe came from both of them. One was wearing a brown scarf while the other had a blue bandana around his neck. They were surprised to see Dream and were immediately about to tackle him into a hug.

Dream shut his eyes close and shielded himself with his hands like he was going to get hit. The two stopped when they saw Dream was scared of them. Cross came over to his side and stroked his head, secretly glaring at the two.

Nightmare went outside to talk to Sci privately.
"So why is Dream acting weird?" He asked. "What kind of weird?" Sci asked him.

"Like, he only trust Cross, but not me, Blue or Ink."

"Huh... He might've sense danger from the three of you since you did traumatized him for years now. And it seems like Dream grew an instinct to only trust those who he can only trust. There's nothing I can do about that, you have to gain his trust by yourself." Sci answered him.

Nightmare sighed. Of course Dream wouldn't trust him, what are the odds of him gaining his trust when he literally wiped out all of his memories.
He has to make it up to him and mend their broken bond with each other. Even if it takes centuries.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕟𝕕.

𝒯𝑜 ℬ𝑒 𝒞ℴ𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊ℯ𝒹...

𝓘𝓷 𝓑𝓸𝓸𝓴 2


Well? How'd you guys like book 1? Because the sequel will come out soon ^w^

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