Buried Truths

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Nightmare and his gang were currently nearby Dream's house. They waited near the front door and a few seconds later, they knocked down the entrance and found nobody.

Nightmare told them to search every part of the house, and so they did.
Ink and Horror were in the kitchen, Dust and Killer were in the bathrooms, Nightmare was looking in the living room, while Blue and Error were looking for Dream in his room.

But as soon as Blue turned the knob, it was locked. So they used their magic to tear the door down with bones.
As they stepped inside, something didn't feel right. The vibe that Dream's room was giving off, it was so dark and depressing.

Error looked under the bed to see a cardboard box and took it out. Blue looked at it and opened the box to see a knife filled with fresh golden blood. Both gasped at the sudden finding.
Blue shakily picked it up and found a note lying underneath the knife. Scribbled out writings were written on the paper, but he was able to see the words.

"I'm worthless"

He dropped the knife, but it didn't fall to the floor because Error caught it with his strings. "T-This c-can't be t-true, r-right?" Blue asked. Error didn't know how to respond and just said that they have to keep looking for more evidence. Blue nodded and looked into the closet. His eyes widened when he saw a rope that was tied into a noose, lying at the very back of the closet.

Blue gulped and grabbed it. "W-what have I done?..." Tears start to build up. Error came to his aid and asked what was wrong. Blue showed him the rope and immediately knew what was going on. Blue looked around the closet to see more evidence lying around.

There he found some old journals, not just one, but many. They were just stacked there and left to rot.
Blue took a deep breath and they both read some of the pages.

Date: January 10, 20XX

"What am I gonna do? I can't let them find out that I've been cutting myself. They'll just think I'm looking for attention and say mean things to me again. Blue and Ink will be angry at me for doing this. Please help, what can I do? I don't know what to do anymore!"

Blue dropped the journal as soon as he immediately realized his mistake. How could he be so stupid?! Thinking Dream was always fine with life and thought he had everything.
He was so wrong and blind. He failed to see the tragic story behind Dream's perfect smiles. Because there are times when smiles hide a very bitter truth behind it.
Blue read another entry to see what else happened to Dream.

Date: May 18, 20XX

"I don't know why I keep asking for help from a journal, rather than a real person. Oh wait, I remember why. My so called 'Friends' don't care about what I say. They still think I'm being selfish for telling my problems to them. What am I going to do now? I can't ask anyone else for help because they'll never listen to a word I say. I wish there was someone out there who would help me with this struggle that I'm facing."

"I-I'm a terrible f-friend..." Blue said as blue tears escaped his eyesockets and stained the old papers of the journal.
Error comforted him and told him it wasn't his fault. But Blue knows better now, whatever happened to Dream was his fault as well. The blame was never towards Dream, but to the people who made him feel like that.

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