The Last Pages

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No guys, this isn't the end of the book, there will be an aftermath story after the next chapter because technically, the next chapter was supposed to be the ending of the book.


Date: ???

    "Today, I attempted Suicide, I couldn't take it anymore. I just want to disappear from this world and forget about everything that ever happened to me. I wish I never existed. I wish I was never born. I hate this. I hate my life. I hate my job. My brother hates me.
I don't want to write in here anymore. So this is goodbye."

"You've read about the journals that Dream has wrote over the centuries..." Shattered said. Nightmare nodded at his statement and they began walking around the black void.

Date: ???

    "I didn't mean what I said earlier. I still write my entries, but now I keep them hidden here in a covered jar filled with what people assume to be some sort of lucky charm."

They started coming across memories of Dream writing in his journal from the oldest to the most recent. Most of them being really sad and depressing. Nightmare decided to not look at memories, but sadly he could still hear them.

"Funny how people thought it wasn't important, I mostly thought it was because the jar wasn't plastic. It was made in porcelain and plated gold. So I guess it really wasn't important. At least no one broke it yet."

They stopped and Shattered looked above to see a memory of Dream attempting suicide. He growled and looked away from it. Nightmare couldn't, he felt so guilty about leading his brother into suicide. He can't take anymore of this guilt and just wanted to get out of here.

"Anyways, what I will write in these last pages are something much different from my recent entries. These pages will be dedicated to my friends. And one day, I hope they'll find it..."

Shattered then stopped in front of a lone table with a porcelain jar plated in gold. Nightmare looked at him and noticed that he was slowly dusting from his hand.
"What's happening to you?!" Nightmare panicked, but Shattered was still relaxed. "It seems that your friends are finally getting rid of me." He said. "What?! I told them to do it in 1 hour!" "Time works differently in the mindscape. Now, this is what I wanted to show you."

Shattered showed him the jar. Nightmare came closer and opened it, surprisingly, nothing was there. "There's nothing here..." He faced Shattered.
Shattered sighed. "The real thing is in Dream's room. I want you to find it and read it to the person dedicated to it. That'll be my final wish before going away forever, or at least until the same thing happens again." He chuckled to himself as his body starts disintegrating.

He leaned on the table and began recalling his memories shared with Dream. He smiled as a single golden tear dropped from his eye.
"I still hate you to be honest..." Shattered said and Nightmare looked down in guilt. "But please, watch over him for me. I won't be there to protect him anymore." Shattered said.

Nightmare nodded. "I will, I promise." Shattered chuckled. "You better keep that promise of yours and if I come back, I'll totally kill you next time." He said with amusement in his voice.

"Also, can you come closer?" Shattered said while looking away. Nightmare was confused, but did it anyways. As soon as he was close to him. Shattered immediately punched his non-existent guts. It felt really good for him, but not for Nightmare.

"Man, it feels good to punch someone you hate." He smiled happily. Nightmare just held back the pain and smiled back awkwardly. "Well, goodbye for now." That was the last thing Shattered said before completely turning into dust and everything went white for Nightmare.


I am sorry for killing Shattered :'3

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