Happy Birthday

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I know that it's technically not their birthday, but for the sake of this book, let's pretend it is.


It was morning and Dream felt excited. Today was day for him, so he got dressed in his finest clothes and dashed downstairs. Dream checked out the entire house to find his friends and hoping they would come and greet him at least once.

But alas, nobody came...

He then thought, 'Maybe Cross will greet me?'. So he checked his phone and desperately waited for Cross to text him. At least one greeting would brighten his day.

He waited for hours, rarely eating a few snacks from time to time while waiting.
He waited and waited, until it was almost sundown. The day was completely wasted on waiting.

Dream felt tears prick on the edge of his eyesockets, sadness was about to burst out. Then he heard his phone buzz, hinting a text message came.
Dream's eyes widened and check it, hoping it was what he think it was. But his hopes were crushed because it was only Ink telling Dream that he and Blue won't be home till tomorrow.

Dream saddened, everyone forgot his special day. He was about to cry, until he heard a tap from the mirror across the room. Then, he had an idea.

Dream stood up, locked the front door and lowered the curtains so no one else could see anything inside the house.
He took a big rectangle mirror, that had a few cracks onnthe sides, and placed it on one of the seats of the table in the dining room.

He opened the fridge and saw the cake he bought yesterday for today's occasion. It was a Honey flavored cake, the frosting above spelled the word "Happy Birthday, Dream!" In red food-coloring. He placed it on the table and grabbed a single candle then placed it on the middle of the cake. He lit it then sat down, looking at the mirror with the appearance of Shattered in his reflection.

Shattered gave a small smile to Dream, knowing he was the only true friend that Dream had. He sang the Happy Birthday song to Dream, making Dream slightly cry while he blows out the candle.
Shattered clapped and chuckled as Dream ate the cake, alone with his reflection.

"Happy Birthday, Dream."


Meanwhile, in Nightmare's Castle...

"Happy birthday, boss!" The gang exclaimed at Nightmare, who was seated on the throne with a chocolate cake in front of him. The frostings say "Happy Birthday, Nightmare!" In white food-coloring.
Nightmare blew out his candles as the gang celebrated his birthday. Everyone was having a good time.

Then a knock came from the door, Killer opened it and saw Ink and Blue with gifts for Nightmare. Killer smiled and allowed them in.
After they gave their presents, they saw Cross was in the corner of the room, getting agitated on his phone.

"WHY WON'T YOU SEND, GODDAMMIT!" Cross was currently angered by the fact that the phone wasn't receiving or sending his messages. Ink came over to Cross to ask why. "Ugh. It's Dream's birthday and I want to at least greet him! But Nightmare won't allow me to see his brother and the signal here sucks!" Cross was about to throw his phone on the ground, but then Ink was there so he had an idea.

"Hey, could you do me a favor and tell Dream 'Happy Birthday' for me?" Cross said as he walked to the stairs to go to his room, unaware that Ink was barely paying attention. So Ink got his phone to text Dream that he and Blue were going to be home tomorrow.
He placed his phone back and headed towards the others.

Cross was currently in his room, looking at the small present he had for Dream. He opened it and saw a golden heart-shaped locket. Opening the locket, there was a photo of him and Dream together on their first date, that was a great memory back then. Cross smiled at the sight and sighed. "One day, Sunshine... We'll be together again..."
Cross placed the gift back in the box and proceeded to go to bed early so he could get away from people downstairs.

But after a while, he couldn't sleep. His non-existent guts tell him that something was wrong with Dream. He had a feeling that he needs to see him right now, so he stood up and opened a portal outside Dream's house.

Cross came through the portal and walked to the front door, he noticed all the curtains were closed so he couldn't see inside.
He breath in and knocked on the door.

No response.

He knocked a couple more times and still no response from Dream.
He first thought that he wasn't home, but Cross could feel Dream's positive aura inside. He had to see him and greet him a Happy Birthday.
So he summoned his knife and cut the door down. He ran inside and saw the place was so dark, all the lights were off except for the dining room. He slowly crept towards the entrance of the dining room and took a small peak at the dining area.

What he saw broke his soul.


Oof- I was planning on releasing this chapter on their actual birthday but meh

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