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Meanwhile with Nightmare's gang...

"Then Cross kicked us out of Dream's home! Telling us that he and Dream ownthe house now! And blah blah blah..." Ink continues to ramble for an hour about Dream. The others were giving him an 'are you serious?' glare. Nightmare rolled his eyes on how dumb Ink was.

When they got tired of listening, Nightmare slammed his fist on the table, making a huge thump and everyone faced him. "SHUT UP INK! WE'RE HERE TO HELP HIM! NOT RANT ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL!" He said while turning to his corrupted form.

"Now! Can we just plan on how we're going to turn him back? And I want your mouth shut, you hear me, Ink?!" Nightmare growled and Ink nodded nervously, not talking. "Good! Now plan!" He demanded.

"What if we separate Dream's soul from the corruption?" Blue suggested. Nightmare disagreed. "If we do that, then that corrupted version will go free and Dream might die from his soul splitting in half." He explained.

"What if you just apologize to him and maybe he'll forgive you?" Horror suggested. Nightmare shook his head. "No, things are more complicated than just a simple sorry." He said.

"What if we ask Cross to kiss him passionately and he'll turn back?" Killer suggested. Nightmare gave him a "WTF face" and said. "Killer, this isn't a world where everything can be fixed with the power of love. That only happens in fanfictions." Nightmare crossed his arms.

"WhY dOn'T wE aSk ScI? I'm SurE hE kNoWs wHat tO dO." Error suggested. Nightmare agreed and so did everyone else. So they got up and went to Sci's laboratory.

Sci was working on something at the moment when he turned around from his desk, he saw the gang with Ink and Blue. It nearly gave him a heart attack from the surprise visit. "What are you doing here at 3 in the morning?!" He asked while holding onto his cup of coffee.
"I dunno, what are you doing here at 3 in the morning?" Horror repeated Sci's question. Sci just rolled his eyes and began drinking his coffee. "Just get to the point already." He said because he's really not feeling up to this.

(One explanation later)

"And that's why we need your help." Nightmare finished his explanation. Sci adjusted his glasses and went to his computer to analyze some stuff. He first examined a sample of Nightmare's goop and soul and tried to match it with Dream's goop that stained the other's clothings.

After that, Sci did confirm that Dream ate the black apple and had an idea how to reverse it permanently or temporarily.
"I can reverse Dream's current state in two ways, the first one is permanent which means he won't be like that ever again, and the second one is temporary which means he might go like that again. It's up to you whether you want it gone forever or not." Sci explained.

"Of course I want it gone permanently! That 'thing' corrupted my brother! I'll be more than happy to have the real him back permanently!" Nightmare said angrily. "A-are you sure? There will be consequences if we do that." Sci stuttered while cleaning his glasses.

"What are those consequences?" Nightmare asked, keeping a straight face on him. Sci fixed his glasses a bit and told him.
"W-well, it's obvious that Dream had so much negativity bottled up in him. It was enough to create another being inside of Dream a-and when he ate the black apple, that entity got out. The only way to remove it permanently, is by removing all negativity inside on him." He said.

"That doesn't sound too bad." Killer said while everyone agreed to he just said. "But that also includes all of his memories." Sci finished. Nightmare looked shocked.

"What?! Can't you just leave the positive ones behind?" Nightmare exclaimed. "No can do, those positive memories will create gaps in his memories, which might possibly lead him back to remembering everything again." He explained.

"But he can't just forget about me!" "And we can't have him running around like that! You have to choose now, Nightmare. It's your brother's memories or everyone's safety." Sci made him choose.

For a minute, Nightmare was silent. He was thinking about what to do. He can't just let Dream, his only brother, forget about everything. But then, if Dream goes corrupted again, the multiverse is at the verge of danger. So he choose the only option he had.

"I'll agree to remove it permanently."

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