Last Goodbye

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No, just like the last chapter. This isn't the end of the book.


Nightmare woke up in a hospital bed in Sci's laboratory. He looked to his right and was shocked to see his brother, back to normal, but still unconscious and other medical equipments were attached to his body. His face saddened, he lifted his right hand and tried reach out for his brother. He wanted to comfort him and give him a loving hug that he deserves. His hand was lowered when someone held onto it.
It was Killer, he had a concerned face towards Nightmare. "N-Nights, you're finally awake..." He said in relief. "H-how long was I out?" He questioned. "About two days! Geez don't scare me like that, Nighty!" Killer pouted, earning a soft chuckle from Nightmare.

Nightmare then turned his gaze towards his sleeping brother. Killer sighed and hugged him. "It's okay, Nighty. Dream's fine now." Killer calmed him. But Nightmare already knows it wasn't fine at all. He's going to fix everything and start from the beginning.
Nightmare sat up and stood from the bed. He went towards his unconscious brother and held his hand. Hoping he would wake up by now, he clutched it like he was going to die. Purple tears formed on his eye sockets and quiet sobs escaped from his mouth.

Killer placed a hand on Nightmare's shoulder and hugged him. Nightmare thanked him and hugged back.
Then he suddenly remembered something. "Killer, can you watch Dream for while? I need to do something..." Nightmare said. Killer nodded and Nightmare went out of the room and teleported to Dream's bedroom.

Looking around the messed up room, he saw the porcelain jar plated in gold on top of a cabinet. He used his magic and got the jar into his hands, carefully opening it and saw five pages with something written on each of them.

He read the writings and was about to cry, when he heard the sound of footsteps coming towards Dream's room. It was Ink, Blue, and Cross. Both Ink and Blue were wondering what Nightmare was doing, but Cross was literally glaring daggers at him.

"H-hey guys, I think you should listen to this." Nightmare said and they did, even Cross, although he still hates Nightmare.
Nightmare began reading the page out loud.

Date: ???

    "I didn't mean what I said earlier. I still write my entries, but now I keep them hidden here in a covered jar filled with what people assume to be some sort of lucky charm.
Funny how people thought it wasn't important, I mostly thought it was because the jar wasn't plastic. It was made in porcelain and plated gold. So I guess it really wasn't important. At least no one broke it yet.
Anyways, what I will write in these last pages are something much different from my recent entries. These pages will be dedicated to my friends. And one day, I hope they'll find it..."

That was the first page. He began reading the second page.

"If you're reading this and you're one of my friends, Blue or Ink or someone else. Please read what I have to say:
I know I've written many entries in the past where I sometimes complain about you and I'm really sorry if you read that. By the time you're reading this, I'm either gone or you suddenly stumbled upon the jar that was keeping this page. I just wanted to say "Thank You" for being friends with me. Even though you treated me like a burden nowadays, I will never forget those times in the past when we were still great friends. I hope you can forgive me someday. Goodbye."

Ink and Blue were trying really hard not to cry. Wiping their tears agressively. They seem to be emotionally hurt from hearing the inscriptions on the page.
Nightmare turned to Cross and took out the page that was meant for him.

"At first, I never understood what love was. Until you showed me, Cross. You showed me what it feels like to love another soul. You made me feel happy and always cared for me. What I've had was more than enough, just by working with you from time to time, I can already be together with you. When love is just a feeling of longing and nothing more than a dream that's when it's most purest and beautiful. When you loved me, I become able to love the Multiverse again. From a small love, love is born, until the whole Multiverse is wrapped in an embrace of love. Every experience I've shared with you, every single word that we've exchanged, make up who we are today. Even when things were painful or difficult, you were there for me. And I loved you for that. Please remember that I'll always love you, Cross. No matter what happens, my love for you will never change. Goodbye."

Cross was crying so much, he refused to look at Nightmare.
Nightmare almost dropped a tear from his eye, but decided to hold back and finally started reading the last page left in the jar.

"Hi Nightmare. I know how much you hate me by calling you my brother. I'm sorry if I'm the cause of all your misery from all those years. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, I was blinded by other people. I tried talking to you before and ask why you were feeling like that before the apple incident. But instead, you pushed me away. I didn't mean to invade any of your privacy though, never have I ever touched any of your belongings. I knew somewhere you were asking for my help, but you always refused to let me help you. Maybe Shattered was right about you, it wasn't my fault, but yours. Even so, I never believed that, I always say it's my fault and I never blamed you for anything that happened to me. I know you still hate me, and I can accept that. I just want you to know that I still care about you and you were the best brother I ever had. Goodbye."

Nightmare was literally crying right now and mentally cursing himself when Dream said he was the best brother ever. "I don't deserve it..." He whispered to himself. He hugged the page close to him and looked back at the jar to see one last page. Nightmare picked it up and read it.

"This goes to my best friend, Shattered. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you. Everyday when we we're together, you're always the one giving me Hope to live on with my life. No matter what happens, you never gave up on me. I know it's pointless writing this, but at least you know what I think about you. Thank you once again for being my one true friend. Goodbye."

Cross's eyes widened. He took the page from Nightmare and read it. He growled when he remembered what Nightmare did to Dream and left the room. Leaving the other's wondering what Cross was thinking.

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