Wrong Conclusions

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"Nightmare!" Blue called out and everyone dashed towards Dream's bedroom.
"What? Did you find hi-" Nightmare looked shocked at what they were holding. A knife, a noose, and a stack of old journals. "W-what are t-these..." He asked while observing the knife.

"I think, you should read for yourself..." Blue handed him the journal and read an entry.

Date: April 1, 20XX

"Guess what? It's April fools day. Everyone seems happy pranking each other so much. But not me, I guess. Earlier Ink pranked me by pouring hot water all over my body and laughed at me. He didn't realize how painful that was, I was at the verge of crying, but I held back and put up my fake smile. Then Blue pranked me by dropping my cape into a shredder, it was shredded in half. He didn't know how much this means to me, the last thing that reminded me of my brother. Speaking of brother, Nightmare pranked me with the worst thing he ever did. Faking himself to be my brother again. I don't even have to tell the details on how painful that experience was. I don't want to remember that horrible memory at all."

"YOU POURED HOT WATER ON DREAM!!?!" Blue yelled at Ink. "I DIDN'T KNOW-"




While those two were arguing at each other. Nightmare was lost in his own thoughts. The feeling of guilt crawled up his spine. He then picked up the oldest journal in the bunch.
The cover was really worn out, like it hasn't been used in centuries. It had a faded blue color and an old star sticker at the top right side of the journal.
He flipped towards the very first entry that Dream ever wrote.
The pages were still readable, but the ink was thick.

Date: January 1, 15XX

"It's New Year! And Nights gave me this new journal to write in. He's such a really cool brother! I wish the villagers could see that too. They've been bullying my brother every time I didn't look or wasn't there. I've been trying to convince the villager to stop being mean to him, but they just wouldn't listen. So I'll just have to spend more time with him rather than the villagers. They were a bunch of meanies anyway, they only used me for my aura and hated my brother because of his aura. I remember one time where they threatened me with a knife just to get more golden apples from the tree. I'm glad Nightmare didn't see it, I don't want to trouble him with my problems because I know he has his own to deal with. He deserves to be happy too, and I'll do whatever it takes to make him happier."

Nightmare felt a weight of guilt on his spine. It felt super heavy on his soul as he goes back into his passive form.
Crying tears of purple, Nightmare stood up and clutched the journal to his chest.

The room fell silent and Nightmare faced everyone. He took a small breath and said.

"We have to save my brother from that monster."

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