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Meanwhile with Shattered and Cross...

They escaped to the an AU called Underfell. They were in Snowdin Forest, hiding from Nightmare's gang.
They found a convenient spot for them to hide, which was a cave filled with glowing blue mushrooms and a frozen ice ground.

Shattered leaned on the wall and Cross sat down on a rock. Both were silent as they tried to come up with a plan to help them.
Then Shattered looked down on his reflection below, Dream was finished with his nap and was tapping to get Shattered's attention. He wanted to switch back now. Shattered still doesn't want to though, but he had to. He'd do anything to make him happy.

Cross looked up to see Shattered melting, at first he panicked, but then he saw Dream. He quickly hugged the little marshmallow into a warm and loving hug.
"Dream, I missed you!" He said while almost shouting. "I was just gone for a bit, Crossy. No need to worry." Dream assured him. Dream smiled and he smiled back.

Then Dream's face dropped as he realized what he has done. "I-I'm sorry, C-Cross... I-I put y-you into my messes again..." Dream started crying and blamed himself for what's happening right now.

Cross wiped away his golden tears rubbed his back. Whispering sweet words of comfort into his non-existent ears. "It's not your fault, Dream. If anything, it should be my fault for not realizing it sooner. And that's the biggest mistake that I've ever done to you. So please, don't go blaming yourself for something you've never done. It's not a burden worth keeping in your whole life."

Wise words spoken from someone who truly cares. Dream quietly sobbed, not because of his messes, but because he found someone truly worth loving forever.
They hugged each other, Dream felt something he hadn't felt in a long time.


For so long, he only had a small glint of Hope inside him. Hope that made him believe that there's still a chance to make everything right. To finally release the burden he carried for centuries. To correct all his past mistakes that haunted him for years. He was 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬.

Now here he was, letting go of all that and gaining a brand new form of Hope.
Hope that will help him heal, learn, and most importantly, Love.

"T-thank you, Cross... I can't imagine my life without you by my side..." Dream said as he buries his face on Cross's chest. Cross snuggled him more. "Neither can I, Dream." He said and comforted him more. They stayed like that for a peaceful moment.

Then, sounds of footsteps were coming towards them. Cross heard it and immediately got his knife ready. Dream hid behind him in fear.

Cross's eyes went full alert as the footsteps came closer and closer.
As soon as the footsteps stopped, they were already there.

Nightmare and his gang, along with Blue and Ink, were standing a few feet in front of them. Cross protectively guarded himself and Dream, growling at them.

Nightmare was still in his passive form, trying to show Dream that he's not a threat. He opened his mouth to speak up.

"Dream, I'm sorry..."

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