A Lovely Morning

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Morning came and both Dream and Cross were cuddling each other in their sleep. Cross had a protective grasp on his lover as Dream buried his face on Cross's chest.
Dream woke up, stretched and yawned lazily. Cross woke up as well and hugged Dream immediately. Dream giggled and kissed his cheek. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cross asked him. "I slept great! Thanks to you, Crossy." Dream shyly smiled. "That's good to hear." Cross smirked and picked up Dream bridal style. Dream was immediately flustered. "C-Cross! Wha-" "Don't worry, Dreamhearts. I'm just gonna carry you downstairs for breakfast. It's been so long since I've done this to you~" Cross cooed him while Dream pouted. Cross laughed playfully and gave him a kiss. They then proceeded to go to the kitchen for breakfast.

In the kitchen, Cross was immediately pissed off by the sight of Blue and Ink. He had to get them out of the house for good. So he set Dream down the couch and told him that he'll take care of it. Dream was about to protest, but then he saw Shattered in the mirror across the room, telling him that he shouldn't stop him.
So Dream took Shattered's advice and nodded. Cross smiled and got his knife ready as he went to the kitchen.

Five minutes later...

"Welp, I did it! The house is all ours now, Dreamy!" Cross said as he locked the doors of the house. "Thanks, Crossy. I was getting tired of them." Dream said. Cross then smiled and picked up Dream.
He placed him back down one of the chairs in the dining table and got up to cook their breakfast. "Cross, are you sure you know how to cook?" Dream asked, trying not to sound funny. "Don't worry, Dreamy. I learned how to cook from Tori back then when my AU wasn't destroyed yet." Cross assured him. Dream smiled and looked in front of him to see the rectangular mirror still sitting there from yesterday's event.

His reflection of Shattered was still there, Dream could tell that Shattered still doesn't trust Cross. Dream waved a hand at the mirror and Shattered immediately looked at him. "Yeah?" He asked. "Do you trust Cross?" Dream whispered. Shattered shook his head and Dream sighed. "Sorry, but I still don't fully trust him. He needs to prove it to earn my trust!" Shattered said a bit loudly. Cross heard it and looked shocked when he saw Shattered's appearance in the mirror.

"S-So he is real?!" Cross exclaimed as he looked a bit closer to the mirror. "Yes, I am real. You think I was an imaginary friend of Dream?" Shattered glared at him. "Uhhh..." Yep, he actually thought that so he just awkwardly laughed at his question, which made Shattered do an eye roll.
"Hey Oreo, your eggs are burned." Shattered pointed at the stove that was slightly smoking. "Shoot!" Cross rushed over and turned off the stove, luckily their breakfast was still good to eat.

So he got some plates and set them on the table. They proceeded to eat and chat with each other, even Shattered was secretly enjoying the conversation because he wasn't left out or acted like a third wheel to them.

They were about to go out and have some fun outside, but Dream didn't want to leave Shattered alone. Cross then started thinking and had an idea.
He went to a drawer and found a hand mirror so Shattered can follow them around. Dream took it and smiled as soon as he saw Shattered in the small mirror. Shattered gave a thumbs up, meaning Cross earned some respect from Shattered.
Cross felt proud for making Shattered approve. To him, Shattered was like a parent to Dream so he had to earn his trust.

So they both went out to take a stroll in the forest.


I know I said that this was full of angst and depression, but I just made this to lighten the mood UwU

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