A Promise

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"No..." Shattered said which made Cross look at him confusedly. "It's true that you haven't realized until the last minute, but..." Shattered trailed off and looked to his side.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I really did think you're fit to be with Dream." Cross was even more confused, why would Shattered say that?
"Why? I'm a terrible boyfriend-" Shattered cut him off by raising a hand, signaling him to stop talking.

"That day when you and Dream started hanging out together, I thought you weren't the one for him. I hate your actions towards him and always thought you were just using him like all the others..." Shattered trailed off.

"But then, the day you confessed your feelings to Dream. I felt your aura being filled with love and honesty. Dream's positive aura bursted out of happiness, it even hit me that day." Shattered began staring into space, not even giving time for Cross to respond.

"That's when I began to realize how wrong I was about you. You truly did care for Dream as much as I did for him." He continued. He went silent for a few more minutes, it was awkward for Cross because Shattered was looking at nothing on the walls.

"So I'm going to ask you some questions and you must answer directly from your soul..." Cross perked up and listened. "Are you willing to risk your life for Dream?" Shattered faced him with a stern look on his face.

Cross didn't know what to say. His mind kept telling himself that Dream is better off without him, but his Soul was telling him to stay by his side and protect him until the day he dies.
So he gulped up and began choosing his answer.

"I-I would, I love him too much to leave someone like him behind..." Cross said while looking down.
Shattered smiled a bit, but wasn't recognizable. He began asking the second question.

"Will you promise me something?" He said while looking at the window. Cross looked up and wondered what. "Promise me, that if something happens to me. You'll keep Dream safe for me?" He said while looking at Cross.

Cross went silent for a few seconds. He looked into his pocket and pulled out the gift that he never got to give to Dream on his birthday. He stared at the locket and reminded himself why he fell in love with him in the first place. He holds it close to him and faced Shattered in the eye. Determination filling his soul.

"Promises are meant to be broken, but..." Cross stopped for a second and clutches the locket in his hand. "I'll always protect him, no matter the cost, because I love him with all my soul." He said as he looked at Shattered with pure determination, his red eyelight glowing brightly.

Shattered smiled and was glad that Dream found someone really trustworthy to become his partner and bodyguard. Someone who truly devoted their entire life to the person they love the most.

Shattered then felt something. He felt someone else was nearby. Clearly, they were either spying or going to come into the house at any moment. Shattered couldn't trust anyone else because he only trust people the hard way by earning it. He faced Cross with an alert face.

"Oreo, we can't stay here any longer. We have to go, now!" Shattered commanded and opened a portal to a safer AU for them to hide. Cross didn't question anything and just went into the portal.

"Let the chase begin." Shattered said to himself as he closed the portal behind him.


I can see why people voted for this story UwU

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