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Cross was back in Dream's house, his eyes were still teary from the new information he just read. He had to fix this. He had to fix Dream.

"Dammit! I want to kill someone, right now!" Cross whispered to himself angrily. He was angry at Nightmare, Ink, and Blue for Dream's depressing state. He wants to punch them so badly until he was satisfied. (Be honest readers, you want to do this too ;3)

He went upstairs to Dream's room and tried to open the door. It was locked, so Cross teleported inside instead, but he instantly regretted it.
Guilt ran up his spine as he saw Dream crying on the floor while cutting his wrist and saying mean things to himself.

Cross ran up to Dream, which startled him, and engulfed him into a tight hug. Dream threw the knife away from him and hugged Cross for comfort. Dream cried on Cross's jacket and staining it with his sobs. Cross buried his face on Dream's shoulder while whispering calming words to Dream.

"I'm so sorry, Dream." Cross began talking. "I-I didn't realize you were like this, I should've known sooner. I'm terribly sorry, My Love..." Cross whispered to Dream.
"N-no... I-I s-should b-be th-the one s-saying s-sorry..." Dream spoke in between sobs.
"I-I dragged y-you i-into m-my mess, I-I'm t-the one to b-blame f-for e-everything..."

"I-I s-should b-be left a-alone..." "NO!" Cross protested against Dream's assumptions. "Dream, please, it's not your fault. It's Night-"
"But it is MY FAULT!" Dream argued back.

"I failed to save my brother!

"I'm the cause of everyone's problems!"

"I always disappoint everyone around me!"

"I can't do anything right!"

"I-I can't even be the perfect partner that you always wanted me to be..." Dream's tears flowed down to the floor. Cross could only give a sympathetic look at him, trying to figure out what to say to him.

"I-I'm just a mistake that isn't supposed to exist in this Multiverse..." Dream finished.
"Dream..." Cross wiped away his flowing tears with his thumb.

"I don't care what other people say about you. I don't care if you're not perfect. I fell in love with you because you're caring, strong, and you never gave up on me. So please..." Cross cupped his cheeks and made him face him. "Give me a chance to make things right. I want to repay you for every kind and loving action you did to me. Please, Dream. Let me SAVE you." Dream blushed and stopped crying. "B-but what about m-my bro-" Cross placed a finger on Dream's mouth to shush him. "You're more important to me, Dreamy. And I'll never let anyone hurt you again." Cross smiled at him.

Dream blushed and that's when Cross saw a real smile on Dream's face. It might not be a big one, but it was real. Cross felt his soul flutter from the warm smile. He hugged Dream and suddenly remembered the cuts on his wrists.

Cross checked both his arms and they all had cuts on them. Cross didn't get angry at Dream because he understood why he did this. So he used healing magic to heal the wounds. Dream was concerned about Cross's magic usage. "C-Cross, you don't have to-" "Yes, I do. I care too much about you, Dream and from this day on, I promise I'll always be there for you. No matter what." Cross said proudly to Dream.

Dream blushed and was about to cry again. "Sunshine, it's okay to cry." Cross held onto his hand. "What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?" Dream hugged him like his life depended on him. "Maybe fate had a soft spot after all." Cross whispered to him lovingly.

"I love you, Cross."

"I love you too, Sunshine."


Sorry for the late update guys, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! UwU

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