>>Heart Broken<<

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Chapter 8-Heart Broken

London's POV

I can't believe this is happening to me. I've been crying no stop and Gilinsky is trying to clam me down.

"London just take a deep breath. I'm sure Shawn will understand." I just shuck my head as he pulled me in for another hug. I came to him last night after Shawn broke up with me. I told Gilinsky what happened and he can't believe that this happened.

"He hates me forever." I said and just starred at the wall finally realizing what is happening.

"No he doesn't. Don't say that." I just shuck my head and continued looking at the wall. Jack wrapped his arms around me and I shrugged them off. It's all my fault for letting this happen.

"I'm not going to the MagCon event today." He sighed looking at me and I just looked away as a tear escaped my eye. Nobody understands how much this is killing me because I love Shawn so much and now it's all taken away from me. No more long pointless talks. No more kissing him or hugging him. Hell he probably hates me as much as the other boys do.

"No he doesn't don't say that." Jack said hugging me as I cried. Jack can sit here and tell me it's not true,but I know it is.

"I'm going to go for a walk." Jack hesitated before nodding to me. I got up slipping in my shoes and grabbed my phone leaving. I walked passed Shawn's door and I could hear in strumming his guitar. I walked out of the hotel and to were Shawn and I had our date the other day. I took out my phone and got on Twitter to see a tweet from Shawn.

@ShawnMendes I never knew she was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with

@ShawnMendes Tell me you were happier with him,but you want me to stay.

Tears streamed down my face as I tweeted something.

@London123 I love him with all my heart

I turned off my notifications for Twitter and decided to text Shawn.

Shawn=Bold London=Italics

Shawn please it was not what it seemed

Really!? Because it seemed like u and Nash were making out

We weren't he forced me

How did he force u if u were on top of him

I'm sorry Shawn please take me back your my world

Well you were mine but not anymore. We're over for good.

I cried and started walking away. I can't take it anymore I really can't.

Shawn's POV

18 hours

That's how long we have been broken up for. How long I have been writing my new song now that I have something else to write about.

"Come on man I told you she was bad news." I sighed looking at Taylor. He was right London was bad news and I'm never going back to her.

Author's Note

Sorry I took forever again 😔

Can you guys what song he is writing about her?😉

Love you guys ✌️

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