>>The Weight<<

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Chapter 9-The Weight

London's POV

~A Week Later~

I decided to finally leave the hotel room that we were in at New York and go down to the show today. I was sharing a room with Hayes just like old times before Shawn came into the picture.

"Are you going to meet any of the fans or nah?" I shuck my head and continued brushing out my hair. Hayes sighed and finished eating his breakfast.

"I know I'm going to be getting hate here because the whole Shawn thing." I sighed and Hayes frowned at me. He came over and pulled me into a hug again. I just wanted my best friend Kenzie to be here with me,but she was with Johnson right now.

"I'll protect you from the haters." I smiled weakly at him and he hugged me one last time before going to finish getting ready. After about ten minutes we decided to head down to the venue and get ready. I walked in and frowned seeing Shawn in the corner singing quietly to himself. I sighed and walked over to Carter.

"Hey." He hugged me and pulled me to sit on his lap. Taylor glared at me and so did Nash.

"So you and Shawn are done?" I frowned nodding and he hugged me tighter. Fans started coming in and I went to the back so I didn't have to meet anyone.

~2 Hours Later~

We were all on stage and it was time for Shawn to perform.

"Hello everyone. So as you all know I'm single again and my break up inspired the song I'm about to perform. Here is The Weight." I sighed as Shawn started singing.

I want to go back forget that it's over. Paint in black and you left me alone.

And I never knew she was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with and I can't go back to her anymore no more.

You Tell me you were happier with him but you want me to stay. Can You tell me that you need time but you pushed me away. When you try to take me back my heavy heart just breaks. No I can't left the weight.

But you went out past try to forget cause it's over and every time you ask I'll pretend I'm ok. Your inside my head in the middle of the nights when I don't fell right I dream that I can hold you but I can't go back to you anymore.

You Tell me you were happier with him but you want me to stay. Can you tell me that you needed time but you pushed me away. And When you try to take me back my heavy heart just breaks. But I can't left the weight. And I can't left the weight.

And I can't left the weight No I can't left the weight. Yeah you stand on my shoulders and my heart just breaks. And I can't left the weight no I can't left the weight yeah you stand on my shoulders and my heart just breaks.

I can't let the weight no I can't left the weight you lower your standers and I raise the stake. And I can't left the weight no I can't left the weight.

You tell me were happier with him but you want me to stay. Can you tell me you needed time but you pushed me away. And when you try and take me back my heavy heart just breaks. But I can't left the weight and I can't left the weight

Tell me you were happier with him but you want me to stay. You told me that you needed time but you pushed me away. And when you try to take me back you seem someday you will change but I don't want to wait.

Tears streamed down my face as some of the fans noticed me behind the stage. They frowned and I turned away bumping into someone that happened to be Taylor.

"See what the fuck you did to Shawn." He whispered into my ear before walking away. More tears streamed down my face as I ran out the venue.

I'm done.

Hayes's POV

I watched as London ran out of the venue. I went to chase her,but Nash stopped me.

"Nash I have to talk to her before she does something stupid." I said trying to get out of his grip he had on my arm.

"Hayes no. Let her think alone for a while and just be alone." I shuck my arm trying to get out of his grip,but he tightened it.

"Nash you don't understand. She can barely handle the hate half of the time. This is crushing her from the inside out and she could break any moment I need to go after her." I yelled and ripped my arm out of his grip.

"Hayes if you go after her your going to make it worse. She wants to be alone so let her be." He yelled and walked away. He doesn't get it at all. Her being alone with her mind in this state could lead to her hurting herself again.

Author's Note

Hey guys hope you liked the update. This book is coming to an end soon. I can't believe how this book is turning out. Always please vote and comment.

Love you guys ✌️

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