>>New Year<<

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Chapter5:New Year

London's POV

"Happy New Years babe." I smiled to Shawn and kissed him.


I feel someone kiss my neck softly causing me to smile. I opened my eyes to my shirtless Shawn.

"Morning babe and happy New Years. I can't wait to see what this year brings me." I smiled leaning in and kissing Shawn. We pulled away quickly as someone knocked at my door.

"London I'm coming in." My eyes widened it was my dad. I quickly grabbed the shorts next to me slipping them on under the blanket and Shawn unwrapped his arms moving over.

"Hey dad." He smiled looking between us then looked around my room.

"Ok guys your mom said be ready in an hour so we can all go to lunch before you guys leave." I nodded and as my dad was closing the door he looked at Shawn once more. I got up and went to my closet finding my favorite dress and slipped it on.

"Your body looks really good in that dress." I smiled as Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. He kissed my lips roughly when someone opened my door. I quickly pulled away deciding if I should see who was there.

"Sorry guys,but we're leaving now." I sighed in relief it was only my mom. I nodded as she shut the door and we got ready leaving. The car ride was silence as we arrived at the restaurant. We all got out and Shawn took my hand in his walking in.

"Follow me." A girl around her early twenties said showing us to a table. She an pulled out my chair and I smiled sitting down.

"Your such a gentleman." Shawn smiled to my mom as he sat next to me. After everyone ordered and what not Shawn rested his hand on mine above the table.

"So Shawn are you really into singing and writing music?" My mom said to him as my dad eyed him.

"Yes right now I'm working on a piece in writing for London." I smiled as mom looked at us in awh. After our food came and everyone was eating I decided to rest my hand on Shawn's thigh. He jumped a little and I smirked. I kept moving my hand up more and Shawn tried getting me to stop.

"You go any higher and I swear you won't be walking next week." He whispered smirking I quickly pulled away. I smirked and rested my hand farther up. We all finished our meals and it was time for Shawn and I to almost leave.

"Well let's get you kids back so you can get your bags and head back to Magcon." I nodded standing and Shawn took my hand in his. We walked behind my parents and Shawn pulled me closer.

"Your getting it once we get back to our hotel." I giggled and ran to the car. This new year is going to be great.

Well that's what I thought.

Author's Note

Hey guys sorry it took me forever to update. This chapter was suppose to be up New Years but it wasn't done sorry.

Love you guys

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