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Chapter 12-Confession

Shawn's POV

Taylor and Nash pulled me to Hayes's room because they had something important to tell us about London. I was nervous about what they were about to say about her since the whole Nash and London thing.

"Ok um guys we don't know how to tell you this." Nash sounded nervous as Taylor bit his lip looking over to Hayes. I just looked at them waiting for them to continue and a doctor walked in looking at us.

"Ok two people came visit London right now we're done with the blood thing for now." We nodded and I turned to look at the boys.

"Shawn and I will go down there just Taylor tell us later." I looked at Gilinsky as Taylor nodded before we walked out. No words were said between us as we reached her room and tears started streaming down my face as I seen her. London looked for lifeless just laying there with cords tubes out of her body in different spots.

"This right here Shawn is all your fault." Gilinsky cried taking London's hand in his and sat next to her bed.

"Jack I know this is all my fault. When are you going to stop reminding me I fucked up? I get it she was your best friend and was like or sister,but I love her too. I still love her and now she will never be able to know that. I wish she was awake right now she I could ask if she would take me back." I cried as Gilinsky just shuck his head and looked at me.

"What makes you think she would get back with you after this? Hell if she was awake I would make sure she never took you back for nothing Shawn. " I looked down at the floor as the door opened to reveal Nash and Taylor.

"Guy it's.." Nash and Taylor got silent when they looked at London. Tears started streaming down their face as they looked between Gilinsky and I.

"What?" Taylor looked at me before answering.

"This is all out fault. We planned to get London and Shawn to break up because she was taking you away from us and we just didn't like her." I froze looking at them and before I knew it Gilinsky punched both I them.

"You assholes now she will probably die and it's all your fault for making Shawn write that song." I just starred at them and remembered when she tried telling me,but I didn't believe her.

"How could you? You guys knew I really loved her and you do this." They just starred at me as I walked out of the room and started crying when I bumped into somebody.

"I'm sorry." Someone with a British accent said and I looked up to see Liam Payne from One Direction.

"Hey your my cousins friend do you know hat room she's in? I got a call saying that London was taking here." I froze it makes since her last name is Payne.

"Yeah it's right there." He nodded and walked into the room then Taylor and Nash walked out. I turned away as they walked over to me.

"Shawn we're sorry. We didn't mean for it to go this far." I turned looking at them and rolled my eyes.

"Well it did." I stated before walking outside and to my car.

Author's Note

Bet you didn't expect that to happen. Anyways if you have yet go back to the last update and comment please.

Love you minions.🐢

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