>>Never Be Alone<<

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Chapter 13-Never Be Alone

Liam's POV

I knew something was wrong with London once I got the phone call. The boys and I were just finishing a song we were writing for her called Diana because I knew what was happening since she joined MagCon. I walked into her room to see a boy crying holding her hand and I'm sure it was her boyfriend.

"Who are you?" He looked up and whipped his eyes before replying.

"I'm Jack Gilinsky one of London's friends." I nodded and walked on the other side of her bed sitting down.

"I'm Liam Payne her cousin." He weakly smiled as I held her hand she seemed so...gone.

"I'm sorry this is happening to her. I wish this was me and not her." I looked over to the kid and e was crying more now.

"Hey don't say she will be ok just remember everything happens for a reason." But I have a feeling she won't be ok and she's slowly dying.

Shawn's POV

"Hey I know there is somethings we need to talk about." I sang quietly and wrote it done with tears still in my eyes. I started writing a new song for London called Never Be Alone.

"Hayes said he's sorry." I looked at Carter and just shrugged before turing back to my paper. After about three hours the song was finished and I plan to head to the hospital to sing the song to her even though she won't know.

"Bro she'll love it." I looked up to see Nash and I stud up walking to my room. "Come on please Shawn it wasn't suppose to go these far I swear." I stopped and turned to see Nash jogging up to me.

"Well man it's been going to far ever since she joined MagCon four months ago and you guys treated her like shit." His mouth was slightly opened as he starred at me and I rolled my eyes walking away. I got to my room kicking the door and slid down it starting to cry.

"Take a piece of my heart so when we are apart you'll never be alone." I sang again quietly as I stud walking to my bathroom and took my sleeping pills with me. Once I got to the bathroom I dumped the pills in my hand and brought them to my mouth before swallowing about ten pills. I sat on the ground and thought of everything I love.

I love my music

I love my fans

I love my family

I love the boys like family

I love my little sister

I love singing

But I mostly love London

She was my last thought as everything went black.

Author's Note

Hey guys I finally updated an have wifi at my house again yayy😃. Anyways Shawn's song is connected to the chapter comment what you thought about the song.

Also I'm doing a another Shawn book called Broken. It should be posted by next week💕😊 I'll let you know

Love you guys😘

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