>>Baby Don't Cut<<

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Chapter2:Baby Don't Cut

London's POV

That night I cried my self to sleep thinking about the good times before joining MagCon when I thought they were all so nice. Today I decided to just stay in my room and watch some movies by myself. I got on YouTube with my laptop and found the movie Frozen and started watching it. I decided on this movie because one I love it and two it's almost Christmas. My phone kept going off so I clicked on my messages and almost started crying.


What happened did you kill yourself that's why you are not coming out of the room? Hope you did:)

From:Jack J

Stay away from my brother he does not like you. Your worthless and ruined everything for us.


Hey we're performing together for the Christmas show. Come by later to get the song.

I replied to Shawn and started crying even more. I can't stand taking the hate from the boys. All the fans think we're one happy family,but we're not. I logged onto Twitter an posted something that saved my life.

Guys I'm sorry to whoever I let down by doing this,but I can't take it anymore. I love all my fans and I'm sorry @HayesGrier you had to find out this way. Bye guys

I cried throwing my phone across the room and walking to my makeup bag taking the blade again. I walked into the bathroom and turning on the shower filling the bathtub with cold water. I but my lip as I started cutting again for what seems like the hundredth time since joining MagCon. I watched the blood pour out as I sat in the bathtub,but before I could pass out Shawn ran into the room and pulled me out wrapping my wrist.

"London why would you do something like this? You would destroy Hayes,Jack,Matt,Carter,me,and everyone else." He cried as do did I. He started singing a song that my best friend showed me before.

No body seems to get you. You feel your on your own we'll listen pretty lady you don't have to be only. So baby don't baby don't you can do anything just promise baby you won't cut. I know your heart is hurting you feel the world is end. You just feel that blade your holding is your only friend but baby don't cut. Baby don't cut you can do anything just promise baby you won't cut.

I cried hugging Shawn as he picked me up and carried me to my bed Latin me down. I shivered and Shawn got me new clothes. I changed and got under my blankets and so did Shawn as he pulled me close to him.

"Thanks Shawn I don't know what I would think if Hayes found me." He kissed the top of my head hugging me tightly. I softly cried as he held me.

"Let's finish watching Frozen." I nodded as Shawn started it over again as I rested my head on his shoulder.

Author's Note

Hey guys sorry it's short,but I promise the next one will be long. I felt like I should write this chapter before writing the next one jut because of the way it ended. The song is one the side

Comment a song you think Lindon and Shawn should sing together? Make it a Christmas song please.

Love you guys.

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