>>Only If You Give Me Candy<<

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Chapter1: Only If You Give Me Candy

London's POV

Today I have a MagCon show and Hayes and I will be pranking the boys if Hayes does not blow it again for us. I walk to my suitcase and pick out a pink crop top and black high waisted shorts. I leave my hair in its natural state then do my makeup only using mascara and eye liner. I slip on my MagCon hoodie and a pair on sandals before leaving to head to Taco Bell with Matt.

"L lets make a bet." I turned to see Nash walking over to me and I rolled my eyes at him. You see the only time Nash really talks to me is when we wants something or if I go to his house when I visit Hayes.

"How about no because you really don't like me and you use me when you want something." Nash glared at me,but walked away and I continued to meet Matt. I use to think all the boys were so nice and sweet,but I learned different once I came to MagCon. Once I came here Hayes took the time to get and know me by the other ones just judged me for my looks. Once Hayes and I started hanging around Matt,Carter,Brent,Aaron, Jack G,and Shawn started talking to me and the others still hate me.

"Hey girly." I ran and jumped to Matt and he gave me a piggyback ride. I was debating on telling him about Nash,but decided not to and just enjoy my time before I had to face the other boys.

"Matt have I ever told you that besides Hayes your my best friend. I mean Hayes was the only one that liked me two moths ago." Matt slightly smiled at me and sat me down so I could walk.

"L I know and I'm sorry I never got the time to know you and judged you. I was just trying to be like all the other boys." I just nodded and kept walking. Matt shouldn't want to fit in because he is amazing and the best friend anyone could ask for. We walked into Taco Bell and Matt went and ordered the food while I found us a seat. I sat and logged onto Twitter and seen I had three new messages. I clicked on the first one.

@JackGilinsky Hey baby girl remember you can always tell me anything and I will always listen.

I smiled,see Jack knows a lot about me,but not as much as Hayes does. I think no one knows as much as Hayes does about me. I replied and checked the next one.

@TaylorCaniff Why did you have to come into our life's you always ruin everything. Just tell Bart you don't want to be in MagCon anymore because no one likes you.

I checked to see if Matt was coming and deleted that message and checked my last one. See Matt and Hayes sometimes check my Twitter and they have changed my password a couple times because of hate.

@ShawnMendes We need to perform a song together sometime😀

I replied to Shawnboo,yes I gave Shawn a nickname. Matt came over and quickly took my phone.

"Matt give me my phone there is no hate." He just looked up then looked back down at his phone. I just grabbed my taco and drink then started eating as he went through my Twitter.

"Ok if there was no hate then where is the message Taylor sent you telling you that no one likes you?" I froze damn it Hayes already checked my Twitter. Matt sat my phone down and started eating. Once we finished we walked back to the hotel and Hayes greeted us at the door.

"Look it's my wifey." I laughed hugging Hayes and us three walked back to my room to hang for a little bit. I sat with Hayes on my bed and Matt sat on the other one. I had a feeling I was going to get a talk about how I should ignore the other boys during MagCon.

"Look London promise us you won't say any smart remarks towards the other boys tonight at MagCon." I looked between Hayes and Matt before answering.

"Ok,but only if you give me candy." They laughed,but agreed and Jack G walked into the room sitting next to Matt. I made a silly face at him causing him to laugh.

"How is my baby girl doing today. Any crap from the other boys yet?"Before I could answer Hayes and Matt were on it. Jack looked pissed after hearing what Taylor pulled,but to be honest I have a way to get through with them bullying me.

~2 Hours Later~

I was in Hayes's room getting ready for MagCon. We decided to twine it for the show today. I grabbed my phone putting it into my pocket then grabbed Hayes's phone too putting it into my pocket as well. We walked down to the venue to see Shawnboo and Carter already down there.

"Ling Ling I can finally see you." I laughed hugging Carter. See he really never gets to hang with me because Maggie is not around much and when she is I don't bother then,even though Maggie likes spending time with me too and other times I'm usually with Hayes.

"Nope that's my wife sorry Carter." I laughed as Hayes pulled me towards our meet and greet spot. Hayes asked if me and him could share a booth for meet and greets and Bart said yeah. We were just all talking and laughing,but I stopped as soon as I seen Cameron,Nash,Jack J,Jacob,Mahogany,and Taylor walk in. They all glared at me and walked to their spots and sadly Taylor was to my lift and Nash was on the other side of Hayes.

"Remember candy." I closed my eyes hoping that this show would go by fast. Taylor came and stud in front of me I just looked up at him.

"Hey London would you like to have this drink I got for you?"Before I could answer Jack G walked over and pushed him out of the way. Taylor glared at me and walked back over sitting down. I stud hugging Jack G and he picked me up giving my a piggyback ride around the venue till fans started coming in. I sat next to Hayes as the first two girls walked up to us.

"Hey my name is Eleanor and this is my friend Danielle." I smiled signing photos and Hayes did the same.

"Also can we have a picture with you two and London are you and Jack G dating because that's what it looked like when we came in." I laughed and shuck my head "no". We stud and Bart came over taken the pictures for us. After they left there were a couple really bratty girls so I just stayed quiet.

~2 Hours Later~

After the meet and greet we got ready for the show and right now Hayes and I are getting ready to prank the boys. I was kinda nervous about doing this because last time Taylor almost slapped me across the face. Hayes could tell I was worried because he came over without saying anything and just hugged me.

"Look L we don't have to do this if you don't want to." I just shuck my head and grabbed the water-gun from Hayes and walked backstage. We ran out and I pointed the water at the only people I know won't get mad or try and hurt me. Jack G ran over to me picking me up and putting me over his shoulder. I laughed as he carried me off stage and sat me in a chair scolding me like a child. Now I know why everyone always ask if we're dating because the way we act towards one another.

"London you are suppose to be good to get this."He pulled candy out of his pocket and I grabbed it causing the fans to laugh as I ran to hide behind Hayes. Jack just laughed and I started walking away from Hayes when something hit me in the face. Im hates and Jack G were at my side asking if I was ok. Taylor walked over and crocheted next to me.

"You're worthless you know." I just looked at him and Hayes helped me up. For the rest of the show I just sat there and did nothing.

~In The Hotel Room~

I closed the door after Hayes left and walked over to my makeup bag. I looked in the bottom for my favorite thing in there.

My blade

After I found it I took a deep breath and cut 3 times.

1 for Taylor

2 because I'm worthless

And 3 because I deserve it.

Author's Note

Hey guys thanks for reading this first chapter and Also can you guys guess why I bolded My blade??

Love you guys

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