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Chapter 11-Hospital

|| Read another's note at the end of this chapter for some info and important things ||

Shawn's POV

I've been sitting in my room crying over London. I need to move on from her,but I don't know how I can when I love her so much. I don't understand why she would do something like that especially after everything he has done to her. I looked down at my phone because it was going crazy and froze.

@London123 Guys I'm sorry to anybody I hurt especially @ShawnMendes for breaking your heart. You guys are right I do deserve to die and that's what I'm going to do. I hope I made everyone happy now and just know @ShawnMendes I will always love you even if you hate me now. @HayesGrier I'm going to miss you so much. Your the best friend anyone could ask for same with @CarterReynolds and @MattEspinoas. @JackGilinsky your like my older brother and I'll miss you so fucking much. It's my time to leave I love you guys

I didn't know what to think and started panicking. I know how London gets sometimes and I know she would do something like this.

@ShawnMendes @London123 Please don't do this we can talk it out just don't hurt yourself.

I waited for her response or messages,but never got one and started pacing the room. Cameron walked in and tried to calm me down.

"Shawn what's wrong?" I just shuck my head and started crying realizing what I did to her.

"London she probably killed herself and it's all because of me." I cried as Cameron shuck his head to me and hugged me.

"Shawn no it's not your fault." I shuck my head as I got a text message with Jack G.

From: Gilinsky

Shawn get down to the hospital now

I ran out the door and to my car driving as fast as I could to the hospital. Once I got there I ran in and found Gilinsky in tears along with Matt and Carter.

"How is she?" Gilinsky just shuck his head then put his head back in his hands. I sighed looking at Carter for an answer.

"She needs blood donated and Hayes has the same blood type so he is giving her some,but the doctors are not sure when she'll be awake again." Tears came to my eyes as Carter finished. This is happening all because of me and I could have stopped this all. I could have saved London from doing this to herself.

"So she's in a coma?" Gilinsky looked up and nodded his head slowly. It felt like my whole world just crashed and I just started crying more. Why does this have to happen right now and to London? She has already been going through the hate and our break up,but why her?

"This is all your fault Shawn. That stupid song sent her over the edge. She was trying to tell you what happened and you wouldn't listen to her." Gilinsky yelled before standing and walking outside for fresh air. I just starred as I looked down at my hands trying to think that she would be ok.

"Party for London Payne." I walked over with Matt and Carter and sighed looking at him.

"Hayes is done giving blood so you can go visit him if you want. We are just going to keep him over night. " I nodded and followed the others to Hayes's room.

"I don't want Shawn in here. He's the reason why all this is happening." I sighed and turned walking back into the waiting room.

Hayes's POV

I know it wasn't right to do that to Shawn,but London was and still is like my sister and now she is in a coma because of him.

"Guys what if she never wakes up again? What if she dies?" I cried and Carter came over and hugged me tightly.

"Hayes bud she'll make it. If she was able to handle everything MagCon threw at her she'll be able to handle this." I slightly smiled at Carter as my door opened revealing my brother and Taylor.

"Guys we have to tell you something."

Authors Note

Hey guys sorry I took forever I was busy with school work. Anyways I'll try and have the next update up sooner. If you like this book you may also like my book Before Fame.

THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEQUEL. If you want to be in the sequel then comment or message me or if you want to make me the cover to it. You can even message me on Kik at Alyssahoran2021

Also you guys should go read Bullied And Broken by xxShawnsBaexx it's an amazing book so go read it.

Another thing if you think I should write another book like this then comment below.

Love you guys. 😘

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