>>Life Or Death<<

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Chapter 15- Life Or Death

Hayes's POV

Everyone looked over at Shawn's heart monitor. Tears started streaming down my face as I realized that it wasn't Shawn's,but London's heart monitor.

"No." I yelled running over to her bed and grabbing her hand as I continued crying. Everyone jumped up and looked at me realizing what's happening.

"Hayes I'm sorry.." Nash whispered quietly rubbing my back as I shuck my head still crying. Doctors rushed in and Nash pulled me out of the room as I cried. I knew there was nothing I could do,but it left like I was letting down my best friend. A doctor walked out of the room and walked to us.

"I'm sorry,but she died." I dropped to the floor and just cried. Yeah she may haven't been my girlfriend or sister,but she was my best friend and now she's died. Nash started rubbing my back,but I pushed him away.

"Don't I don't need your guys's sympathy." I yelled causing everyone to look at me. I stud up walking outside hoping none of the guys followed me. I pulled out my phone and clicked on Twitter.

@HayesGrier I hope everyone that told London to die is happy now bc she killed herself 💔 RIP London Payne I will always love you ❤️

People started replying,but it was getting to much for me so I just logged off of Twitter and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Hayes come back in please. " I turned seeing Carter and just shuck my head. He sighed walking over and sitting next to me.

"I can't take this she kill herself,killed we were the same fucking age. She had so much going for her and it vanished before our eyes. I just want her back" I cried and he wrapped his arms around me. After about ten minutes I decided to go back in and hope that shawn would make it.

"He's just waking up the doctor said don't say anything about London yet." I nodded to Taylor as I cleared my face of tears. I walked in and Shawn smiled slightly to me.

"Hey buddy." I smiled at him and sat in the chair Nash was sitting in before moving for me.

"I'm so glad your okay Shawn I'm so sorry about what I said to you before." Shawn just shrugged and smiled.

"It's okay I understand you were mad. Also speaking about London where is she?" Shawn looked at me and the others for an answer. "Guys why aren't you telling me where she-" he stopped talking before tears started running down his face.

"She passed away this morning." Cameron whispers as tears fall down his face as well. I looked down as all the boys walked out of the room leaving Shawn and I alone.

"It's all my fault." Shawn whispered and I looked up at him shacking my head.

"No it's not Shawn don't say that. It's all of our faults. We all should have tried and helped her or have been nicer to her. So don't say this is your fault." Shawn just cried more as so did I.

Mystery Person's POV

~One Week Later~

Today was the day all the boys stood in the grave yard as there friend was being lowered into the ground. Shawn was a crying mess as well as Hayes saying their last goodbyes. When it was Shawn's turn to put something in the ground with London he put his guitar pick and a new song on her casket. The song was A Little Too Much. Hayes walked up and put her favorite candy in with a long note. Soon all the boys finish and they went their own ways. Cameron and Nash head back to their home in California. Hayes goes with Carter and the Jacks. Taylor and the rest go on a vacation.

~5 Years Later~

You would think that after five years Shawn would be happy,but the truth is that Shawn is still sad and blams himself for London. When he performs Life Of The Party he makes sure they show pictures of London. As for Hayes him and his girlfriend are expecting a baby girl and they're naming her London.

And we'll for me I'm going to go back to playing dead girl because I am London Payne and this is the story of why I faked my death.

Author's Note

Heyyy guys so I finally updated😏. So I was thinking and decided that maybe just maybe I'll do a sequel,but only if you want to know more.

Comment below if you want to know what will happen next and I'll start the sequel.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book an please leave a comment telling me if you did or didn't like my book.

Love you guys😘

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