>>Say Something<<

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Chapter14:Say Something

Nash's POV

**2 Weeks Later**

Nobody understands how hard it is to have two people that you were close to between life and death. Shawn and London share a room and it's hard walking into the room and knowing your the cause for two people being in the hospital.

"We're probably going to lose them." Hayes cried as his girlfriend Kennedy hugged him tightly and cried too.

"No,don't think like that Hayes they're going to be ok because we have faith in them that they will." I looked at Gilinsky as tears streamed down his face. I have to say out of all the boys he's the most hurt by this. I knew he loved London more then a sister and cared deeply about her. Shawn and him were like brothers besides him and Johnson.

"Can I please talk to Mr.Gilinsky and Mr.Grier?" I stood up and walked into the hallway with Jack to see what the doctor needed.

"Ok so as you're aware London was been in a coma for almost two weeks now and I don't know how to put this,but her heart has been slowing down a little more each day for about a week and a half now. Also for Shawn his has been doing the same and we're trying to think why all this is happening to them at the same time." I had an easy answer for the doctor...Love.

"So she could be slowly dying right before our eyes?" I looked over to the doctor as well and watched as he slowly nodded to us. I think my heart just break at that sign.

"I'll leave you guys alone with them now." We nodded and the doctor slightly smiled walking away. Hayes looked up with sad eyes as I told them the bad news.

Shawn's POV

Everything was black and I could hear was a loud noise. Did I actually die? What if London woke up and I'm died now? All these questions keep racing through my head and I seen a bright light coming closer.

"Hello." I could recognize that voice from anywhere.


"London I'm so sorry I should have believed you when you told me they planned to break us up. Please forgive me I'll do anything." I walked closer to her and she looked broken with tears running down her face. I tried grabbing her hand,but she pulled it away.

"Shawn I'm sorry I can't I don't belong in this world anymore. Nobody wants me here and I can't stand being hurt anymore. You have to go back to the boys they're all worried about you." Tears streamed down my face as I noticed her wrist where all the cuts are.

"You don't understand London the boys DO care about you and Hayes really needs you back." Her eyes widened as I said his name.

"I miss him so much." She cried and for the first time in a while she was hugging me.

Hayes's POV

All of us were still sitting in the room with the loud beeping noise of the heart monitors. I was going through pictures that London and I took when we stayed in California for MagCon,but I was soon taken back as I loud noise signed and I froze.

Author's Note

Finally I updated yayy. Sorry I didn't update the last two days because one my aunt got into a car crash and I had track practice. Then yesterday was my cousins birthday so I couldn't update.

Also leave me Would You Rather questions about MagCon and I'll answer them because I'm bored af right now.

Love you guys

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