>>I Want You<<

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Chapter3:I Want You

(When I us K and K. It means Kenzie and Kennedy)

London's POV

I wake up to someone kissing me I smile opening my eyes. Shawn and I have now been dating for a week and today was the Christmas show. Only Hayes and Jack G know I'm dating Shawn,well that's till tonight.

"Morning beautiful." I smile heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting ready. I got out wrapping a towel around me and walked out to my bag to get my clothes. I put on my white laced long sleeved crop top and my red high waist skater skirt. I quickly do my makeup and leave my hair in its natural waves.

"London someone is here for you." I scrunched my eyebrows and walked to the door. I froze at who was there and almost screamed hugging them.

"Kenzie and Kennedy I missed you guys so much." I pulled away and Shawn laughed closing the door as he left to help set up. K and K are my best friends well like my sisters,but they don't know I cut.

"So you and Shawn?" They both winked causing me to blush and cover my face.

"Oh my god I knew it would happen." I slapped Kenzie in her arm as there was a knock at my door and then Hayes and Jack G walked in.

"Baby girl wh-"Jack stopped once he noticed there were other people in my room. Kenzie laughed as Kennedy starred at Hayes.

"Who are these lovely girls?" I rolled my eyes at Jack and introduced them. Kennedy was still starring at Hayes and Jack sat next to me.

"Okay well anyways London what song are you and Shawn singing tonight?" I smiled at him and noticed Kennedy and Hayes were having their own conversation.

"Um well we are going to be singing All I Want For Christmas Is You." Jack nodded and I blushed causing him to laugh. I heard another knock and Kenzie went to answer it.

"Um London some guy named Jack is here."I gave Jack a weird look as we went to the door were Blondie was. He kept looking at Kenzie. Hell to the no he will not be dating my best friend.

"What the hell do you want?"he rolled his eyes at me as he seen Hayes and Jack in my room. It's not like they never aren't.

"Well that's mean,but Bart told me to get you guys down to the venue now because we're skipping the meet and greet and just doing the show because he was to get home for Christmas." I nodded and grabbed my phone walking out the door with everyone. Kenzie walked with Blondie. Kennedy with Hayes and me with Jack. All the fans and everyone else was already there and K and K went with us backstage. I seen Carter and he ran over hugging me and Shawn came over smiling.

"Ready babe?" I nodded as he grabbed out microphones and we walked out on stage. Everyone cheered and I smiled as Shawn started talking.

"Hello everyone we would like to apologize for the early start,but we have to cut something's out because we have to be home for Christmas. So sorry for the things,but you guys get a free hoodie before you leave. Now London and I will be performing All I want for Christmas is you." I smiled at Shawn as the song started.


I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you, yeah.

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
And I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree

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