>>Ending It All<<

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Chapter 10-Ending It All

London's POV

~That Night~

The lyrics kept repeating over and over again in my head.

And I never knew she was sleeping next door with the kid I grew up with and I can't go back to her anymore no more.

I wasn't sleeping around with Nash and I want Shawn back so bad. He needs to realize that.

You Tell me you were happier with him but you want me to stay. Can You tell me that you need time but you pushed me away. When you try to take me back my heavy heart just breaks. No I can't left the weight.

But I wasn't happy when Nash and I were kissing. I don't need anything,but Shawn right now and to fix his now broken heart.

But you went out past try to forget cause it's over and every time you ask I'll pretend I'm ok. Your inside my head in the middle of the nights when I don't fell right I dream that I can hold you but I can't go back to you anymore.

Shawn I think of you too. I want to be able to hug and kiss him again. I stopped realizing I made it to where I wanted to be the bridge. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled my phone and blade out of my pocket. I got on Twitter and started reading messages.

@JackGilinsky Baby girl please come back to the hotel and talk with me. Hayes went out looking for you and he has been crying.

@TaylorCaniff You fucking bitch don't you dare come back to this fucking hotel. Shawn is a fucking crying mess right now because of you.

@HayesGrier London please tell me where you are. I know you can't handle the pain right now,but please tell me where you are.

@CameronDallas What the fuck now Shawn is a crying mess you should just do everyone a favor.

I cried clicking on my mentions and started to read them.

@MagConForever I can't believe all the drama that happened tonight at the show between Shawn and London.

@HateHer London should just kill herself on to make everyone one happy again

I clicked on new tweet and started typing you my message.

@London123 Guys I'm sorry to anybody I hurt especially @ShawnMendes for breaking your heart. You guys are right I do deserve to die and that's what I'm going to do. I hope I made everyone happy now and just know @ShawnMendes I will always love you even if you hate me now. @HayesGrier I'm going to miss you so much. Your the best friend anyone could ask for same with @CarterReynolds and @MattEspinoas. @JackGilinsky your like my older brother and I'll miss you so fucking much. It's my time to leave I love you guys

I posted that and my phone started going crazy with Twitter messages and text messages.

From: 🙊Gilinsky🙊

No London don't do this you deserve to live as much as I do please just don't do this 🙏😔😭

From: 💕Hayes💕

Please London tell me where the fuck you are you don't know how much I've been crying. Hell if Shawn doesn't care just remember I do. 😢🙏💕

From: Matt

Please London think before you do something you'll regret😔

From: Taylor

Really your going to kill yourself😃👍

I cried harder and threw my phone on the road. I then grabbed my blade that I sat on the edge and pressed it to my wrist.

One for being a mess up

One for being a slut

One for being a bitch

One for Taylor

One for Nash

One for Johnson

One for Cameron

One for Mahogany

One for Jacob

Five for the haters

Ten for Shawn

Twenty-four cuts in all along my wrist and some were deep. I dropped the blade as I started feeling light headed. People say that when your dying your life flashes before your eyes or that you remember all the happy times,but for me I seen all the bad times.

Gilinsky's POV

I started panicking as London didn't reply to any of my text messages. What if she really did kill herself and we're to late? I ran my hands through my hair as my phone went off and I looked to see an unknown number.

Jack=Bold Unknown=Italics

Hey who is this

Hello I'm doctor Jones and is this Jack Gilinsky

Yes why are you calling me tho

Well your friend London was brought into intensive care and we want you to come down so we can talk

Ok I'll be right down

I hung up and rushed downstairs when Carter and Matt stopped me.

"Where are you going so fast?" I turned quickly to them.

"London she is in the hospital." Their eyes widened as they followed me to the car. The car ride was silence and I started panicking as we pulled up to the hospital. I ran in and Dr.Jones was already waiting for us.

"Hello Mr.Gilinsky so about your friend London she is..."

Author's Note

Hey guys hope you like the so "amazing" updated I've been doing.


I'll be out of the country for a couple days next week and I'm so excited,well kind of. Sorry for the cliffhanger #Sorrynotsorry

Love you guys✌️

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