>>The Song<<

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Chapter7-The Song

London's POV

Today we had a MagCon show and Shawn was really happy. I was just sitting in my room well he was running something for the show. Taylor and Nash have been helping me plain a surprise for Shawn once we found out he was going on tour this summer.

"Babe you awake?" I smiled closing my eyes as I heard Shawn close the door. He walked over and say on the bed running his fingers through my hair. I pretended to just wake and he smiled kissing me.

"I thought you were doing something?" He laughed and I smiled.

"It's time to head down for the show." I nodded and got up. I was dressed in a black high waist skirt and a minion crop top with black converses. I grabbed my phone and Shawn's hand before heading down to the venue.

"Let's meet some fans." I laughed as Shawn pulled me over to his spot. We meant a couple of very sweet girl and a couple bitches,but Shawn told me to be nice.

"Hey guys so today as some people may know I've been dating London for a month now and I had the chance to meet her family. When I was also there I got a chance to finish the song I was writing for her and I'll be performing it now. Here is Life Of The Party." I smiled as Shawn started singing.

I love it how you just don't care. I love it how you dance like there's nobody there. So when it gets hard don't be afraid. We don't care what them people say.

I love it when you don't take no. I love when you do what you wants cause you just said so. Let them all go home we out late. We don't care what them people say.

We don't have to be ordinary make your best mistake. We don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party. I'm telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break. We don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party.

Together we can just left go. Pretend that there's no ones here that we know. Slow dance fall in love as the club track plays. We don't care what them people say.

We don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes. Cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party. I'll telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break. We don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party.

Come out tonight,come out tonight. There's no one standing in your way. Come out tonight,come out tonight. We don't care what them people say. We don't care what them people say.

We don't have to be ordinary make your best mistakes. Cause we don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party. I'll telling you to take your shot it might be scary hearts are gonna break. We don't have the time to be sorry so baby be the life of the party.

Yeah yeah yeah. The life of the party. So don't let them keep you down oh you know you can't give up. Cause we don't have the time to be sorry. So baby be the life of the party.

Shawn come over to me and hugged me as tears streamed down my face. I loved the song so much and I can't get over how beautiful his voice was.

"Shawn I loved that so much. Thank you." He smiled and I kissed him. We started making out and the fans started cheering. I giggled pulling away and Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist.

~3 Hours Later~

I was getting tired so Shawn head Nash take me up to our room because he was talking with Bart. We got to the toon and Nash followed me inside.

Shawn's POV

I finished talking with Bart and was walking to London and I's room when Taylor stopped me.

"Shawn I don't think you want to go in there." I gave him a weird look and opened the door to find London on Nash making out.

"What the fuck?" London jumped and looked at me. Nash pushed her off and London just looked shocked.

"Shawn she pinned me to the ground and started kissing me. I tried to get up,but she held me down. She said that's the only reason why she said he was tried because she knew you would tell me to walk with her. Sorry bro." I nodded to Nash and he left the room. London had tears in her eyes and I just shuck my head.

"Shawn he-" I punched the wall and she cried a little harder.

"Get out. I don't want to see you again. It's over." she started crying harder and went to hug me,but I turned away. She tried to stop crying and grabbed her bag leaving. Once the door was closed I broke down crying.

I thought she loved.

I thought she wasn't like this.

I thought she was happy with me.

But I was wrong.

Author's Note

Finally I know. I'm sorry it's just I got my phone taken away and I have no wifi at my house right now,so I only get it when I go places. I had it when I was visiting my grandma,but I passed out and had to go to the hospital. Anyways this book will be 15 chapters and I'm thinking about doing a sequel,but it depends how I end this because I had one way,but got an idea last night when I was writing this.

Love you guys

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