>>Merry Christmas<<

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Chapter4:Merry Christmas

(Warning if you don't like to read dirty imagines then skip till it says an hour later)

London's POV

When I wake up Shawn and I are tangled together with the blanket on the bed. I smile kissing Shawn and he wakes up.

"Merry Christmas babe." I smile as he kisses me again this time climbing on top of me. I started playing with his hair as he sucked on my neck probably leaving hickeys. I moaned and he quickly covered my mouth. I bit his hand lightly and he removed it kissing me again this time more slowly. His hands found the bottom of his shirt I had on and he pulled it off slowly.

"Stop teasing." He laughed and kissed me again leaning down more so now our hips and torsos were touching. I started moaning as Shawn grinds against me. I reached my hands to his boxers and started pulling them down.

"Are you sure?" I bit my lip nodding and Shawn stud grabbing a condom from his bag. He slipped his boxers off and slid the condom on. He climbed back on the bed this time taking off my panties.

"Tell me if it hurts." I nodded and felt tears come to my eyes as he slipped inside me. It hurt so bad,but felt good.

"Are you ok?" I nodded and Shawn started moving faster. After a couple minutes the pain turned to pleasure.

"Sha-" I started moaning,but he covered my mouth because Dylan was still in his room.

~An Hour Later~

I was now dressed and so was Shawn. I opened my bedroom door and Shawn carried me downstairs because I was kind of sore. My mom smiled at us as we entered the kitchen. Dylan gave me a weird look and dad just looked at Shawn glaring. Maybe we weren't as quiet as we thought.

"London honey can you go plug in the tree lights?" I gave dad a weird look nodding and stud up. The pain came to me,but I didn't bother with it and walked into the living room. After plugging in the lights I turned to see Shawn standing under a mistletoe. I smiled walking over to him and kissed him (Photo on the side). We walked back out and I sat next to Shawn as my mom gave us food. We were all sitting when my dad spoke up.

"So Shawn your also part of the MagCon group my daughter does?" Shawn smiled nodding to him.

"That's great Shawn. London said you also sing. " He nodded taking a drink of his water.

"Yes I sing and write. I'm actually working on my music right now well in on MagCon." Mom nodded as did dad. We ate a little bit in silence when I felt a hand rest on my upper thigh causing me to jump a little.

"Shawn do you really like my sister?" I groaned at Dylan. Shawn squeezed my thigh a little.

"Yes very much." My mom smiled at us and dad nodded. I stud helping my mom with the plates as Dylan and dad went to the other room. I was getting the other plates when Shawn stud helping me smiling. He sat the plates down on the cover and my mom started washing them and Shawn pulled me into him. I smiled kissing him,but pulled away when my dad yelled something.

"No kissing my daughter like that in my house young man." I covered my face and Shawn laughed taking his hands off my hips. Mom rolled her eyes and continued with the dishes. I took Shawn's hand and walked out to the living room. We all opened presents and I decided to take my things to my room and Shawn helped. I closed my door as Shawn sat my things down on my desk then walked over to me.

"Now that your dad can't see." Shawn rested his hands on my waist kissing my lips roughly. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair.

"London come down here please." I groaned pulling away and walked downstairs with Shawn. I walked into the kitchen to see my mom sitting at the island and my dad pulling out of the driveway.

"You guys can kiss or whatever around me her dad is just being protective." Shawn nodded and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I smiled and so did my mom.

"Ok anyways honey how long can you stay?" I looked to Shawn because I forgot.

"We have to be back the day after New Years."mom smiled when the front door opened causing Shawn and I to pull away fast. The girl walked into the room and I froze.

"Emma." I yelled running and hugging her tightly. She laughed hugging me then looked at Shawn.

"So your London's boyfriend?" Shawn nodded and Emma walked over to him. She looked him up and down hugging him.

"You better treat her right." Shawn smiled nodding and I slapped her shoulder. Emma has been my best friend since pre-k and never stopped being my best friend. Emma has beautiful blonde hair that goes to her butt and she hates it.

"Well if you guys want I have three movie tickets you guys can take and go." I looked at Shawn then to Emma. They both nodded and I smiled at mom.

Author's Note

Hey guys so this is a crappy chapter and I'm sorry. Next chapter will be better I promise. I've started a new Nash Grier fanfic called Sad Beautiful Tragic please go read and comment what you thought.

Love you guys.

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