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A/N: so season three came out and I watched it all last night, (when it first came out) so that means more content for future chapters!! I already have it planning out in my head! Anyways, I'm sorry updates are slow lol and I can't promise that they'll be quicker but hopefully you all enjoy each update I make and thank you incredibly for over 3K reads!! Love you guys, God bless :)))) also sorry if any details aren't right, sometimes I forget things from season one but I'm trying to make it as accurate as possible.

"Why did I let you talk me into this?" I barely heard Demetri's voice over the mob of kids surrounding us. "This goes against everything I stand for. It's like taking an extra gym class for no reason." He continued to complain. I chuckle lowly and shake my head, glancing over at Eli as I stretched. Miguel stood at the front with Aisha in his karate Gi, so the three of us decided to hang out in the middle of the crowd.

"Just give it a chance. You saw the fight. Miguel was incredible." Eli's eyes seemed really excited though he kept to himself, staying quiet and hardly moving. I was about to argue over the fact that I didn't get to see anything with them blocking me, but a loud voice cut me off before I could.

"Quiet!" A very vaguely familiar voice shouts, causing the room to go silent. My eyes shifting to the area the voice came from. There stood a tall man with a black karate Gi on and a headband over his blonde hair. Something about him looked familiar, like I've seen him somewhere before but I couldn't figure out how I could've seen him somewhere.

"Face front." He commands and everyone scrambled to get into some position. I didn't know what to do, but I followed whatever Eli did. I'm guessing Demetri did the same.

The man began to walk through the crowd of kids, his eyes scanning each of us. My heart began to pound as he stepped closer towards me.

"Nice shirt." He comments, looking at Demetri who was standing adjacent behind me. I relaxed a little bit.

"Thanks." Demetri says in a cheerful tone. The shirt he was wearing was a lime green one with a large red pi symbol on the front.

"I'm joking, it sucks." And with that he moved on.

I frowned and looked at Demetri with sympathy, giving a small shrug. He just kept his head down.

"When I look around, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds... I see a fat kid with a funny hat and his tits popping out. But my short time as a Sensei, I've also seen some miracles." The Sensei's eyes flickered towards Miguel and Aisha. "So... maybe there's some hope for you yet. But first I need to see where everybody's at. So fall in!"

No one moved.

"That means line up."

Eli and I exchanged glances then began to move with the rest of the crowd. I tried my hardest to blend in, not get noticed.

"No not line up like getting in a line, like form lines."

"You... you mean like rows?" Demetri questions. I gave him a look signaling that he should probably stay quiet but he didn't pay any attention to me. Sensei rubbed his face in frustration.


"That wasn't so bad." Eli comments as we walk out of the dojo and towards our bikes.

"Are you kidding? That guy was cruel!" I disagree, shaking my head. Something inside of me kept nagging at the fact that I've seen him before but I had no idea why. Maybe he just has a similar face as someone I've seen before?

"Sensei Lawrence isn't that bad." Miguel retorts, walking with us. Even the name "Lawrence" sounded familiar. "Come on guys, wouldn't it be fun to know karate? I'm sure girls are into it," he paused, looking at me, "and guys. Does your boyfriend like karate? It could be cool to invite him here. We could finally meet him."

Maybe if he wasn't so busy trying to get back at his dad by working at his enemy's car dealership.

"He liked it as a kid," I shrugged, waving bye at Demetri since his mom pulled up in her car then continued to walk with the guys, our bikes at our sides, "you know, since his dad was into it. But he never learned." I vaguely remembered the story Robby told me about his dad never teaching him but continued to open up a karate dojo to teach other kids.

Wait a minute.

Sensei Lawrence bumped into me in Robby's apartment building, and told me to watch where I was going. Robby said his dad had come by to talk to him that day.

His dad owns a dojo now.

His dad knows karate.

His dad's last name is Lawrence.

"Allie? You okay?" Eli's voice broke me out of my trance and it was only then I realized that I had stopped walking. I nodded.

"Uh... yeah. I just... realized I forgot something in there. Be right back!" I dropped my bike and rushed back into the dojo, not really sure what my plan was, but I just needed to make sure.

"I told you I'll get the rent money!" Sensei Lawrence shouts from his office. My heart started to beat harder than before as I nervously made my way over to him.

"Actually, uh, I came in to ask you something." I said in a slightly shaky voice as I stepped into his office. He looked up from sitting at his desk, sipping what looked like a Coors Banquet.

"No I don't go easy on girls. Something about equal rights, Miguel says."

"No, not about that... is your name Johnny?"

His eyebrow raised in confusion. "Why are you asking?"

"I know your son, Robby."

The look on his face turned sad for a moment before looking away. "How do you know Robby?"

"I'm his girlfriend."

"His girlfriend." Johnny scoffed. "I didn't know he was a ladies man. Figures, since he's my kid and all. What's your name again?"


His face scrunched in pain slightly. "Of course your name is Allie. He would date an Allie."

"I'm not following?"

"Doesn't matter. Look, is he a good boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I'd say so. Just celebrated a year of our relationship." I felt awkward saying that. It felt wrong that I was talking to his dad without Robby knowing.

"Good, good. Just keep him in check okay? I know he's getting mixed up with the wrong crowd and throwing his life away by dropping out-"

"I don't agree with that choice. Nor do I like his friends." I sighed as I thought about them. "But... Robby deep down does want to work things out with you..."

Johnny shook his head. "I've tried. He hates me."

"He's just angry."

"Look I really don't need you explaining to me how I should be a better parent. I know that." He took another huge swig of his beer. The stench burned my nose.

"I know but-"

"But nothing. I'd like for you to leave." His voice sounded irritated, and I knew I had over stepped, but I wanted to help any way I could. I wanted Robby happy.

"Sorry I over stepped... and uh, it's probably best that I don't continue taking classes. It would make Robby upset." I said, leaving the office.

"Hey!" He shouts. I turned around and saw him at the doorway of his office.

"Do me a favor and don't tell him we met." He pleads.

I could only nod in agreement and continued to walk out. It's wrong to keep this secret from Robby, but something told me that he really didn't need to know about this.

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