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I hurriedly made my way through the apartment building to find Robby's door. There could only be one reason why he hasn't answered me all day, and it's not good.

I turned around the corner and accidentally pumped into a tall, blonde hair man who seemed to be in a hurry to leave.

"Hey watch where you're going." He grumbled as he continued to walk away.

"Sorry!" I shouted towards him then made my way to Robby's apartment door. I fist began to pound against the door, but was cut off from knocking when it opened after the first knock.

"I thought I told you- oh, hey Allie." Robby's anger filled eyes instantly softened when he looked into mine. I crossed my arms. "Please tell me that your phone is broken and that's why you're not answering and that you're not hanging out with those two idiots."

"They're not that bad I swear. You just... gotta give them a chance."

"Heard that? Not that bad." Trey smirks, stepping up behind Robby. Cruz followed after him.

I rolled my eyes slightly. "Yeah yeah. Look, can you two leave? I need to talk to Robby."

"Ooh someone having trouble in paradise? Not making your girlfriend happy?" Cruz snickers. Trey and Robby ignored him. "We'll leave if Robby wants us to leave."

Robby sighed and looked at him. "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Trey rolls his eyes. "Whipped." He mumbles, heading out with Cruz. I roll my eyes at them then looked at Robby with my arms crossed. He smiled sheepishly. "I missed you."

"Clearly not that much since you haven't answered me in three days."

He looked away embarrassed. "My phone is broken..."

"Oh really? Or is it because you've been skipping school and stealing stuff for those two bozos? Which, by the way, I should've heard from you that you've been skipping and got suspended for possession of molly instead of from the gossip at my new school. I mean come on, I'm in a whole different school and I'm still not hearing this information from you." I spouted out angrily.

Robby sighed and looked at his feet. "I'm sorry, really. Just been going through stuff." He shoved his hands in his pockets and still didn't look up. My anger position slowly subdued and I took a deep breath, walking over and hugging him.

"You know you can talk to me right? That's what people in a relationship do. They communicate."

"I know," he sighed, "I'm still learning. Thank you for being patient with me."

I smiled softly and looked up at him. "Of course. I love you." I stood on the tips of my toes and lightly pressed my lips against his. He held me tighter.

"You still need to go to school though," I say as I pulled back. He rolled his eyes and pulled away, going into his living room. I followed.

"Not you too."


"Look, can we skip the lecture? My dad just came by and gave me the same speech about dropping out of school so I don't feel like hearing it from you." Robby plopped down on his couch and laid back, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

"Woah hold on," I stepped in front of the screen, "your dad came by? What happened?"

"Just came by thinking that he has the right to tell me what to do after all of these years and then proceeds to talk bad about my mom. The audacity of it all." He shook his head in disapproval. I held my tongue. Robby's mom wasn't the greatest mother figure, but she's super nice and Robby cares about her. I could never bad mouth her, especially if it hurt him to do so.

"Are you okay?"

He sighed. "I'm fine." His eyes met mine. "Can we not talk about it though? I just want to relax with you." Robby smiled his cute crooked smile and opened his arms. My heart instantly melted and I slowly laid on top of him in his arms, nuzzling my head into his chest.

"My grandma misses you. She wants to know when's the next time you're coming over."

He chuckles. "Soon. Tell her I miss her too."

I smiled and nodded. I enjoyed moments like this with Robby. It feels like forever since I last saw him, and truthfully three days was a little long to go without communication, but it felt more like months than anything.

Once Robby found something interesting on the tv that he wanted to watch, I closed my eyes and just listened to his heart beat and soft breathing.

I truly loved him.

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