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Samlarusso14 just followed you

I chuckle lightly at the sight, more out of surprise than giddiness. I wasn't sure exactly how I felt about her after our talk today, but maybe this could be a step closer to moving on from the whole drama. I know I was ready to let it go.

After clicking follow back, I clicked on Aisha's story. Deep down, I wish I had went to their victory dinner with them, but I wasn't in the mood to be around Hawk at the moment, no matter how guilty I feel over the fight. And I was still upset that he attacked Robby over some supposed comment that he made.

I laughed when Aisha apologized to the camera when Hawk warned her about his parents following her. She could've just redone the video, but I'm glad she didn't. It was moments like these that I was missing out on and I wanted to be a part of it.

I pulled up Hawk's contact and was about to hit the call icon until I noticed his contact photo. The two of us before his Hawk transformation, back when he was still Eli, looking goofy by the community pool while in the far back you can see Demetri tripping in mid air, his nachos on the way to the ground. I remember Miguel taking the photo. I remember how fun that day was and the excitement in their eyes when I suggested doing something other than play video games.

I sighed and clicked on the message icon.

🦋A🦋- I'm sorry, okay?

He didn't respond the entire night.


Robby🦋♥️- we're outside

I smiled and hurried outside to see Robby and Daniel LaRusso in a yellow vehicle, a huge smile plastered on Robby's face. He invited me to go to the hardware store with him and Daniel, and though it was just some boring errand trip, I appreciated that he was trying his best to see me more often.

I climbed into the back with a smile on my face.

"Hi Robby, Mr. LaRusso."

"So you're the Allie I've heard so much about?"

I blushed at his words as I buckled up and he drives off. I didn't expect Robby to have ever mentioned me before, especially since he didn't mention me to Sam before.

"I sure hope so, unless there's another Allie he's been running around with."

Robby laughed at my joke instead of getting defensive. I eased at this, glad to see the Robby I've been missing.

"Yes, that's her. Remember, she was in the locker room when I got hurt?" He reminded Daniel, then glanced back at me with a crooked smile.

"Oh! That's right. Sorry, my head was focused on other things that night."

"It's okay, we all were. Besides, the interaction was brief, I hardly remember it."

The whole way there, Daniel was trying his best to get to know me while also slightly teasing Robby about our relationship. Daniel even offered for me to join his dojo, Miyagi-Do. I enjoyed the light feeling in the air. It made me forget that I was having problems with Hawk and forget that Robby and I ever had any problems in the first place. When we arrived at the hardware store, Robby didn't hesitate to hold my hand, which was something he stopped doing in public a few months ago. My stomach filled with warmth and butterflies.

We were looking for some screw for Daniel's shelf. Robby and I took one end of the aisle and Daniel took the other so the search would be faster.

"Hey Mr. LaRusso, it's uh, it's over here." Robby called out when we found the screws. Daniel looked up from his section and came back over to us.

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