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There's no way that Sam and Miguel are going on a date.

Eli- I know, I couldn't believe it myself!

Wow. Good for them I guess lol.

Eli- yeah Miguel is pretty excited
Eli- also sorry I haven't texted you all weekend. After my last session in Cobra Kai I decided to do something... different.

It's all good. What'd you do?

Eli- I think it's best if I show you in person... can I come over?

Sure. Grandma isn't home so don't worry about knocking. Just come straight to my room since you know where it is :)

I tossed my phone to the side and quickly tidied up my room of the few clothes lying around and changed into some more comfortable clothes for when Eli arrived. I liked being able to lounge around in sweat pants around him since he never seemed to mind. That was definitely one thing I liked about Eli; I didn't have to be "presentable" in front of him like I would've any of my old friends at my old school.

I shivered at the thought of them, pushing it out of my mind. Maybe it was best that they didn't stay my friends.

My old school made me instantly think about Robby. I missed him like crazy, but he's been so busy with his new job that he doesn't have time to at least text. Our schedules keep missing each other. I haven't told him about meeting his dad, nor did I plan to. It would just upset him. I also knew if he found out Eli was ever in my room, he wouldn't be too pleased either.

I couldn't help but think about the night we first got together. I've known him practically my whole life, and I've always had a crush on him. I even joined his crowd of friends so I could get closer to him, and it worked. Never in a million years did I think that we would be together, let alone for an entire year. Just thinking about him made my heart thump out of rhythm. And I knew he cared about me too, though he's going through a rough patch. I couldn't let it bother me. All couples go through these kind of things, right?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my bedroom door opening. I turned to smile because I knew it was Eli entering, but my jaw dropped instead.

The person standing in my room was not Eli, or at least the Eli that I knew. No, this was just a look alike. His hair was dyed blue and cut into a Mohawk. He didn't even have Eli's normal style, which was some jeans and a sweater. This version wore basketball shorts and a hoodie with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.

This was not my Eli.


"Do you like it?" He still spoke shyly, but he stood more straight rather than hunching forward like he normally would when he spoke. His eyes looked hopeful towards me, like my opinion mattered to him.

"He's not a man of many words." Demetri once told me, which only caused Eli to shrink back more.

"I-It's definitely something." I blinked a few times then shook my head, as if I was imagining it. "Sorry, I'm still in shock." I laughed a little humorlessly. "It's not bad. Blue happens to be my favorite color." I offered a smile, seeing that my shock seemed to discourage him. He smiled right back at me.

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