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Samantha LaRusso walked down the hall with yet another Blow Pop stuck un her shoulder. I don't think she even realizes it being there. This had to have been at least the fourth one today.

I noticed the other kids snickering to themselves as she walked, so I quickly walked up behind her and yanked it off. She turned around swiftly, her confused eyes instantly turning into fury.

"You're the one who's been putting the Blow Pops on me!?"

My eyes widened at the accusation, my head shaking back and forth. "No! Of course not! I saw it on you're shoulder and took it off."

She sighed relaxed her defensive stance and looked at the ground with tear filled eyes. "You know, I'm really tired of this stupid rumor. I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm lying."

My heart filled with pity for her, but what could I do or say to make her feel better? I've had one conversation with her and I wasn't exactly as cheerful as she seemed to be.

"This... won't last forever."

"Easy for you to say, you're not being tormented for some stupid lie." Her voice cracked lightly as she took a deep breath and walked away quickly.

I watched her walk away as the wheels in my brain started to turn with a new idea.

I knew exactly what I need to do.


"I'm going to take the fall for Sam." I announced as I got into the lunch line with the guys. Miguel raised an eyebrow towards me and Demetri squinted his eyes in confusion.

"The fall for what exactly?"

"I'm going to say the rumor about Sam is actually about me but since I'm new and I have a boyfriend, I didn't want people to know, so I let Kyler say it was about Sam." I explained, grabbing my lunch tray as the line kept moving.

Eli choked slightly on the French fry that he snuck into his mouth as I finished my plan explanation and Miguel's eyes went wide.

"Allie you can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Not to be a downer on your little scheme or anything," Demetri interrupts, "but what exactly has Sam done for you? Besides you're already getting tormented just being friends with us, you can't have this added to you."

I rolled my eyes slightly and waited to pay for my food. "She doesn't have to do anything for me to do this. And I'm not worried about that. I can handle the tormenting, clearly Sam can not."

"Yeah, because it's her friends doing the tormenting..." Eli whispered under his breath after he recovered from his coughing fit. My eyes moved to his, a small frown pinned to my face. I get what they're coming from, but everyone's made mistakes, and sometimes people just need a friend to be there for them. I'm determined to be that friend she may need.

"Guys, I get it, but I need to do this." I muttered, handing over a five dollar bill to the lunch lady then stood there, waiting for them to pay for their meals.

"Why are you so determine to stand up for Sam?" Eli asked as we all began to walk out of the line. My stomach started to churn when he asked and I bit my lower lip slightly. I've never told them the real reason I transferred here from my old school, and certainly now is not the time to tell them the truth.

"I just am, okay?"

Our conversation was cut off by a loud noise. I quickly realized that the noise was Sam shoving a tray off of a lunch table as she stood in front of Kyler. The cafeteria went quiet. Now is the time to say something.

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