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"Where are you taking me?" I whisper to Robby as he held my hand, guiding me through the dark thick trees with the moon being our only source of light.

"You'll see. I promised a magical date, didn't I?" Robby whispers back, pulling me through thick brushes and a couple of tree branches slapping against whatever body part it felt. I could only imagine the amount of leaves and debris could've gotten tangled into my hair.

"This seems like you're about to murder me."

"I could never murder you without your permission." he looked back at me and I think he winked at me but with the darkness surrounding us, I couldn't tell. "I'd know you'd want to go out in style. But that's besides the point. You're too beautiful to kill off."

I couldn't stop the blush that crept to my cheeks followed by a shy smile. Robby was smooth when he wanted to be.

"Here we go." he muttered in relief, pulling me through an opening through the forest. I gasped at the scene in front of me.

I'm the opening was a large meadow like field and in the middle was a large pond that was glistening like diamonds with the moonlight shining on it. The small pier that led into the water was further from us. On the opposite side of the pier was a large blanket laid out. On top of it was a woven basket, a bouquet of flowers, and unlit candles.


"Do you like it?" his voice sounded nervous. My eyes flashed to his face with a soft, gentle smile. "I love it."

My hand tightened around his as I pulled him towards the laid out blanket. He followed instantly, seeming more relaxed.

"This place is so beautiful. How'd you find it?"

"Let's just say I just happen to be running through the woods and stumbled upon this place." he didn't look me in the eyes as we sat down on the blanket. I knew better than to further question him.

"These are for you." his smile widen as he handed me the bouquet of flowers, then grabbed the candles and turning them over, flipping a switch that caused them to light up.

"They're beautiful, thank you." I leaned over and kissed his cheek then smelled the flowers.

Robby was silent for a few moments; so silent that I was beginning to think that something awful was about to happen, and my heart began racing. That is, until he spoke up.

"I've been such an awful boyfriend to you lately, and I'm sorry. You deserve so much better than what I've been giving you."

"Baby it's okay-"

"No, it's not. Our arguments have gotten so bad to the point where you're flinching again every time I reach out to touch you, and you had just started getting comfortable with me reaching for you. The other day alone, I got so angry that you thought I was going to hit you." Robby's eyes slowly met mine as he held up his hand and lightly brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers. I focused on not flinching as hard as I could, but then again I didn't even realized that I did until a month into our relationship, Robby asked why I kept flinching every time someone raised their hand towards me, especially him. That was when I had to come out with the truth of my previous home life, not realizing I was still affected by it.

"We're just going through a rough patch, that's all." I tried to sound as convincing as I could while grabbing his hand and holding his palm against my cheek, leaning my face into it, but he didn't seem convinced.

"The problem still doesn't change. So, from now on, I'm going to work on being better. I even got a job." his dimpled smile popped up suddenly, making my heart skip a beat.

"Really? Where?"

"LaRusso's Luxury Autos and Parts." The words escaped his lips quickly as he shrugged. "I packed a box of pizza, I felt like sandwiches wouldn't be romantic enough."

"LaRusso Luxury Autos and Parts? How'd you manage that?"

"Well... it's sort of like an internship than anything. Who knew I was so charming to snag the position?" his smile became lopsided as he pulled away and grabbed the pizza out of the basket then setting it between us. "Bon appetite."

"Thank you, for working on changing for the better. I should probably work on the same thing," I began to pick at my nails shyly, staring at them, "I really want to make this work between us."

I felt his index finger under my chin, tilting my head up so my eyes met his. "It will work between us, okay?" he whispered. My head barely nodded. He began to search my eyes, for what I do t know, but he slowly leant forward and kissed me softly after a moment.

My head was spinning. I've felt so out of rhythm with Robby lately and it's like I've forgotten how much I truly loved him. Him and all of his baggage. He accepted mine so quickly, why can't I accept his flaws too?

"Wanna take a swim before we eat?" he mumbles against my lips. I smile, giggling gently.

"Race you to the water."

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