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Quick A/N:

So a lot of you are confused/upset about the insinuation that Allie has feelings for Hawk when this is a Robby fanfiction and I wanted to clear up any confusion 😂 the point is, Allie is struggling in her relationship with Robby and she's finding comfort in Hawk because she's missing the connection she once had with Robby. Yes, I'm aware that this is a major flaw but main characters shouldn't be perfect and her actions have consequences just like everybody else. I promise it has purpose to the story and this is first and foremost a Robby Keene fanfiction.

I felt Robby jolt awake next to me as we lay on his couch. I'm surprised that Grandma let me stay the night, and I couldn't help but wonder why when she agreed but I still took the opportunity. Robby's spent the night at my place before, but I've never stayed at his place. I won't lie, I enjoyed the lack of adult supervision with Robby. It was tempting.

But right now his body was tense up. I could feel it, being cuddled up next to him. Or maybe I'm imagining it. I'm still half asleep because his jolting woke me up. I could feel him look down at me to make sure that I was still sleeping, and I was honestly on the verge of passing right back out when I heard his front door open.

This time, we both stiffened at the sound. Our eyes managed to find each other in the dark. He pulled me closer to him and peaked up over the couch to see if he could see what was going on.

"Come on, get the stuff and let's get out of here." And unknown male voice speaks in the open doorway. My heart starts racing like crazy and the need to puke rises up. Robby began to slowly get off the couch and I grabbed his arm in protest. I wasn't about to let him get hurt. Instead of laying back down that I was practically begging him to do in silence, he leaned down and whispered in my ear as quietly as he could. "Stay down, I mean it." His voice was serious and stern, yet gentle at the same time. I decided to let him go, trusting him.

He stayed down low but slowly stalks over towards the kitchen. The intruder has yet to notice him. I obeyed Robby's command and laid as still as possible on the couch, trying to press myself into the rough old furniture as if I could sink through it and disappeared. I wanted Robby back here. I wanted him to stay away from the thief. Silent prayers went through my brain as I slowly watched him disappear from my line of sight, my body shaking.

"Let's go, we don't have all day." The guy pushes in a hurried voice. Next thing I know I hear running, then a sudden loud crash. I'm too afraid to look to see who was winning the fight.

The lights flickered on, blinding me for a moment, and then a familiar female voice spoke out in distress. "Oh my gosh, Rick! Are you okay!?" Robby's mother. That's who the voice belong to. I sat up instantly, relieved to see Robby standing there perfectly fine.

The strange man got up, being comforted by Robby's mother. I threw the blanket off of me and sat up completely, holding my arms against my stomach as if that'll help the queasiness disappear.

"Robby! What is wrong with you?" She cries out, stomping her foot like a child.

"What's wrong with me?" He retorts. "You haven't been here in days. I thought someone broke in!"

He's been home alone for days? I thought she was just out for the night.

"Okay, okay. I am sorry," she quickly apologizes, holding a bottle of pills in her hand. "I just came to grab a few things. Um, cause Rick is uh, flying me to Cabo."

"Cabo adjacent." The man named Rick correctly. I stood up from the couch and began to walk over to Robby. His mother locked eyes with me, surprise covering her face.

"Oh, Allie's here. I'm sorry, I didn't know. Sorry for interrupting. Hello Allie." Her eyes flickered between Robby and I when I stand next to him, slowly wrapping my arms around his arm.

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