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The rain continued to to pound against my roof as I stripped out of my wet clothes. It didn't start to pour down until I was about ten minutes away from the party, which the music was so loud I could still hear it from that far, but no doubt the rain caused it to end early.

Now here I stood in my bathroom, letting my shower's steam surround me as I stared at my reflection. My hair and clothes were soaked from the rain, and the dark circles under my eyes were so prominent that I'm not sure why no one asked about them. How long have they been there?

I couldn't find the will to take off my soggy, cold, wet clothes and get into the warm shower even though there was a voice inside my head, screaming at me to do otherwise. I hated clothes that clung to my skin, especially when wet.

Robby left with Samantha LaRusso instead of staying with me. That had to mean something, right?

A lump formed in my throat as I thought about it. I should've known... the distance, always being busy, never wanting to hang out with me and my friends... it was just like last time.

Ugh, the thought of it made me want to hurl. It was the reason I transferred schools to begin with.

When I found out that Robby was talking to someone else, I completely lost it. I went up to confront the girl, who's name I can't even remember now, and before I knew it, a fight broke out. No one was seriously injured, but it was big enough to expel me. In the end, my grandma and I decided it was best for me to transfer. And I forgave him so quickly.

If he wants Samantha LaRusso, then fine. Maybe she'll give him things that I won't. Maybe she could get him to go back to school. Maybe... just maybe... she's better for him. Better for him in ways that I am not.


I jumped at the sudden voice coming from the other side of the bathroom door. I somehow found the strength the loosen up my tight muscles and opened the door, steam from the shower running rolling out. Hawk was revealed in front of me.

"Jeez, how hot of a shower are you taking? And with your clothes on?" His eyes scanned my body. I bit my lip.

"I'm soaked from the rain. Hang on." I kicked my shoes off. "Let me take a shower real quick. Then we'll talk. Feel free to make yourself at home." My eyes flickered towards my bed before shutting the door and stripping out of my wet clothes.

The scorching hot water was an initial shock on my still freezing skin, but it began to feel amazing after a few minutes. I tried not to keep Hawk waiting for too long, but I also didn't bother to keep track of time while I showered. My muscles were still wired.

I finally finished up and stepped out of the bathroom in a towel since I wasn't expecting any visitors and didn't think to bring in clothes with me. My eyes landed on Hawk as he was laid out across my bed, slurping a Gogurt. He must've went to the kitchen during his wait.

"Was I gone that long?" I laugh humorlessly, making my way towards my dresser where my pjs were. He chuckled.

"I know you like your showers long." Hawk shrugged, finishing it in one go. I didn't feel awkward being in just a towel around him. If I didn't stay mindful about it, I probably would've forgotten about it completely. He never made me feel uncomfortable.

"I came by to check up on you." All of the humor left his face as he stood up, tossing the now empty tube in my trash can and walking towards me. A sigh left my lips as I paused at my clothes searching, my hand resting on the open drawer.

"I'm fine." I began looking for my comfiest pjs.

"I know that's a lie. You seemed pretty rocked by what went down at the party."

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