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"Yesterday I had a mother call me because her kid was crying because kids were making fun of his facial deformity online." The school counselor droned on.

I glanced up from my notebook and looked directly towards this kid, whose name is Eli I think, trying to duck his head from the other stares he was getting. The second we made direct eye contact, I averted my eyes.

Everyone knew she was talking about him, and I felt bad that he was being treated in such an awful way for something he couldn't control.

"Also, regarding the Halloween dance, please wear appropriate clothing. Instead of sexy nurse, maybe you could go as gender neutral hospital worker?" The counselor encouraged.

My eyes drifted back to my paper as my mind wandered to the upcoming Halloween dance. I'm surprised that I was able to convince Robby to go with me, and it only made me more excited to go. Robby wasn't big on going to school dances so now that he finally said yes, I was really looking forward to it.

A small frown appeared on my face as I thought about Robby. I asked I how the talk with his dad went, but he only shrugged it off and said that he was going to wait a few days, maybe weeks to confront him. Maybe he's just not ready.

I looked back up from my paper to see the Eli kid looking at me again. This time, he was the one who averted his eyes. I pondered for a moment whether or not I should get up and sit over there or invite him and his two other friends over to my empty table. It might be nice not to eat alone for once.

Before I conjured up any courage to get up and talk to the three of them, the tall dark haired boy with braces got up and started walking over to the popular table; Sam's table.

A sigh left my lips and I went back to working on the list I was making. Being alone wasn't so bad.


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The pop music blared throughout the gym as I leaned against the wall, feeling upset and a tad bit annoyed. Robby still hasn't shown up and I was all alone dressed as Daphne from Scooby Doo. Robby was suppose to be Fred.

I clicked my phone off in annoyance and scanned the crowds around me. Should I just leave? Beats standing here alone against the wall like a dork instead of on the dance floor with my friends if I had any.

I glanced around for an exit when I noticed Eli staring at me again. When we made eye contact he once again looked away quickly. The shyness made me smile and also gave me the courage to finally say something to him. Maybe we could be friends.

Before I started to move, I felt my phone vibrate.

Robby🦋- so sorry! Something came up and I can't make it. Love u ❤️

I sighed and clicked off my phone without answering. I don't even care anymore.

Eli tensed up and started to nudge his friend in the brown hoodie, who nudged the other in the skeleton costume then proceeded to whisper to each other as I began to walk towards them. I hesitated for a moment but continued to make my way over there.

All three of them just stared at me with their eyes wide open. I started to feel a little self conscious, so I broke the silence.

"Hi, I'm Allie."

"Hi, uh, I'm Miguel," the one in the skeleton costume spoke nervously, "and this is Demetri and Eli." Miguel introduced them by pointing. I gave them a nod. Eli seemed even more embarrassed.

"I like your costume, Eli. What kind of doctor are you?"

"A plastic surgeon." He replied bashfully. A gave an encouraging smile, assuming why he'd be a plastic surgeon. My eyes moved to Demetri.

"Are you something from Star Wars?"

He groaned loudly. "No, I'm a- ugh, never mind. I already tried to explain it to these two."

"I like the Daphne fit," Miguel smiled. I smiled back. "Thanks."

"Where's the rest of the Scooby gang?" Eli asked. I sighed slightly and shrugged.

"Fred was suppose to be here but he ditched me, and I didn't have any other friends to dress up with. So Daphne is going solo tonight."

"If I were Fred, I wouldn't have ditched you." Eli looked up at me and fixed his face mask over his face a little bit more.

"I personally think that Demetri would've made a perfect Velma." Miguel teased, nudging him in a playful manner. Demetri rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, I'm Shaggy at best, but it would be an honor to be Velma."

"Then it's settled. Next Halloween, we can dress up together as the full Scooby gang." I smiled, laughing along with them. Suddenly, a beautiful slow song began to play, causing me to frown.

"Man I love this song."

"Do you want to dance?" Eli asked shyly. Demetri looked at him quickly. "Dude, I heard she already has a boyfriend. You don't have a chance."

I huffed at his response, thinking about how Robby should've been here and it must've taken a lot of effort for Eli to ask me to dance.

"I'd love to." The answer came out so quickly that I didn't even realize what I was saying yes to. I mean, friends are allowed to dance together, right?

"Wait, really?"

"Sure, why not?"

Both Miguel and Demetri looked at us with their jaws dropped before excusing themselves to the bathroom.

Eli walked beside me to the dance floor and hesitated when I put my hands on his shoulders. He didn't seem know where to place his hands.

"Is it okay if I-"

I gently grabbed his hands and placed it slightly above my waist so it wouldn't be too weird. He held them awkwardly there as I placed my hands back on his shoulders.

"Have you never slow danced before?"

I could barely make out the blush that was under his mask. "Only with my mom when I was a kid."

"Well, just follow my lead and I'll show you how." I offered light heartedly. He seemed happy with that idea and we began to dance.

A few seconds had passed before he spoke up again. "So, do you really have a boyfriend?"

I sighed and looked down. Now a days it feels like I'm dating a ghost rather than my second grade crush. "Yeah, I do. I was dating him at my old school before I transferred here. Him not showing up tonight will probably fuel Yasmine's theory that he doesn't exist."

"I believe you... but why are you dancing with me then?" He questioned.

"Friends are allowed to dance together to keep each other from looking like losers right?" I teased. He laughed a little humorlessly. "Maybe you have a point there."

As the song began to stop, I felt my phone vibrate along with Eli's. We pulled away and opened up the notification as everyone else seemed to be doing.

A video of this girl named Aisha from my algebra class popped up; she was eating Cheetos from the snack bar, seeming unaware that she was being filmed, with a pig filter on her face. A rupture of laughter started to go throughout the gym while my eyes quickly scanned the room for Aisha.

There she stood by the snack bar, seeming ready to cry. The laughter kept going until she finally ran out of the gym.

"I gotta go." I whispered to Eli before I ran after her, pushing past Sam's boyfriend Kyler and his friends on the way out.

"Aisha!" I called out as we made it outside the school. She kept walking, so I called again. "Aisha!"

"Just leave me alone!" She cried, hurrying to her car. I refused to stop following her.

"Aisha please just talk to me-"

"I said leave me alone! I don't even know who you are and I'm not going to let you pretend like you care!" She slammed her car door shut once she was in, stopping me in her tracks and I could only watch her leave.

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