Short Story: Arcades+ Important Note

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"Hey (Y/N), where are we shoplifting today?" Haru said, slightly too loud.
"Be quiet, we can't have too many people in on the plan."
And before you think we're criminals or something we only shoplift on weekends, like the good role models we are. So we're going to an arcade instead. And I bet you're thinking why is there a short story in the middle of a fight. And the answer is to delay the inevitable fight scene. Plus if you looked at the book lately, you should see that all the lovely (and beautiful)  readers got this book to 4k! And this is an apology for not updating in so long.
"(Y/N) can you stop with your 4th wall breaking internal monologue."
"Fine, fine."
We strolled over to the arcade and I gently opened the door, to see... the familiar air hockey table. Air hockey, the one thing I'm good at without effort. I looked up to see Haru staring at me.
"Do you know what happens when two trainers' eyes lock?"

You have been challenged by level 5 air hockey player Haru Tanaka.

"I hope you're ready to lose!"
"In your dreams Haru!"
I took the puck out and aimed for the wall. I left my puck in front of my goal.
"Y'know school is such a pain. Like whoever invented school needs to be in hell so I can beat them up when I'm dead."
"You're lucky (Y/N) you have the number one hero there do you know who we got visited by? The man who dresses up like a- how the hell did you make that shot!"
Score 1-0
"Because I'm fabulous, so who visited your class?"
"That hero who's a washing machine."
"Really, damn that's sad."

Timeskip 5 minutes

Score 8-3
"Suck on that dumbass."
"Oh please, you were just lucky."
"Lucky huh, so how many matches have you won?"
"So someone just sounds like a sore loser."
"But it's time for me to redeem myself, I challenge you to a racing game."
"So you want to get your ass handed to you again."
"Well I'm sorry I'm not Chiaki reincarnated," he said while rolling his eyes. "Oh look there's a Mario Kart game."
"Really! You better not be joking!"
"Nope, it's over there."
"Oh look at this, it has a wheel!"
"You do need a wheel to drive."
"Don't be a smartass Haru."
I sat in the chair and turned it on. "Haru they have Rosalina."
"I can see that."
"Then sit your flat ass down and let's play."
"Okay, I'll sit down and just let that flat comment slide."
He chose Pac-Man and with that, the match started.

And of course, you know that I won.
"Good job Haru, you almost got me."
"That stupid red shell, all my homies hate red shells."
"Hey, you kids need to leave. And you should be happy this place wasn't crowded, or else you would've been kicked out."
"Got it," we said in unison.
We walked out of the store and started going down the street.
"Same time next week?" he asked
"Definitely, and bring some money, we're putting bets on it."

A/N: Anyone who wants to join an Instagram group chat. We can game if you want. I can play Animal Crossing and Among Us if anyone wants to do that. Just drop your @. And if anyone has chapter ideas and feedback you could say it there. And if anyone has any fight scene advice, any good videos, or books with good fight scenes I'd be glad to know.

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