Short Story: The Beach

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(Y/N) Point of View
I woke up and got dresssed to honor a run to the beach. I put on my swimwear beneath a shirt and exercise pants. I got a bag and put some stuff I might need in it. I took the long way, getting there in 30 minutes. I sat on the beach running my hands through the sand and moving it in my fingers. I layed on the sand, closing my eyes, and made a sand angel.
"Hey (L/N)-bro!" someone said bending in front of my face.
I opened my eyes to see Kirishima smiling. I waved and sat up, shaking the sand off of me.
"Hey Kiri."
He sat next to me and put his arms around his legs. He was wearing swim trunks and had a bucket. Before I could ask him about it he ran to the ocean and got some water. "
"(L/N), don't you want to make a sand castle?"
"I'd would, but I've never made one."
"Then we can do something else... we can swim!"
"Aww, but you don't have any swimwear."
"I do." I said taking off my clothes.
"Woah, (L/N)-bro!"
I took off my shirt to see Kirishima covering his eyes. I took of the pants and stuffed them in the bag beside me. Kirishima was still covering his eyes so I tapped him on the elbow.
"Kiri, who would come to the beach without a swimsuit?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Hey Kiri, let's race!" I yelled, running to the ocean.
"Hey, you gave yourself a headstart!" He yelled after me.
I ran taking a long jump and yelling. When I came back up Kiri jumped in next to me.
"You cheated (L/N)!" he pouted.
I laughed laying on my back and staring at the sky.
"Hey Kiri look,  I'm a waterbender."
I took my air quirk and formed the water into circles then threw them at Kirishima. I walked back to shore and drew something in the sand. I drew a fish and put spirals next to it. I checked the time and noticed I was about to miss my show.
" I gotta go Kiri, bye!"
"Bye (L/N)!"
I took a towel from my bag and dried off. I put my clothes over the swimsuit then ran home, just in time for the tv show.
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