Chapter 18

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Today is going to be a great day. I can just feel it in my bones. I put on my uniform, got some leftover (f/f) from the cafe., and left a note saying I left for school since mom was sleeping from her late shift.


I sat in my seat talking to Yaoyorozu-chan before Aizawa-sensei walked in. He was covered in bandages. Everyone was concerned about him. He explained that even though we were attacked by villains that we would still have the sports festival. After he announced that it was time for lunch. I sat up there thinking about strategies for the festival. I'm just scared that I won't be able to stay within the line of illusions being my quirk.
"Hey (L/N)-san are you saving this seat?" Kirishima asked me.
"Nope," I said popping the p.
We talked about how excited we were for the sports festival until.
"(L/N)-san, what's your quirk?" He asked me.
"My quirk is illusions." I lied. "Do you want to see how it works?"
He gave me a tiny nod with a bright grin. I looked out and recreated my first illusion, a red rose.
"Do you see the rose Kirishima?" I asked.
He responded with a tiny nod and reached out to touch it. I quickly made an illusion of the rose pricking him, which left some 'blood' on his finger. I then made it where the rose disappeared, leaving Kirishima with an amazed look.
"That felt so real." He said.
"Thanks, I've been practicing to try to make them feel and look more real," I said, rubbing my neck with my hand.
"How did you come up with that illusion?" He asked.
"It was from a book of mine. It was my practice illusion for making pain illusions too." I said.
Once I finished that sentence the bell rang telling us to get back to class. Kirishima and I talked about our quirks on the way to class. I sat in class and I kinda dozed off until it was time to go. When the door was opened there was a crowd of people outside.
"Move out of the way extras," Bakugo said once he got to the front.
I moved through the class to get to the front. By the end, a purple-haired kid said that he declared war on our class. That purple troll hair looks very familiar, I thought.
"Shinso, is that you?" I asked.
"(N/N)..." He said.

Illusions (BNHA x Female!reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now