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There will be many Danganronpa references in this book, so if you haven't seen anything about the games it will be spoiled here. Also there will be K-pop, just in later chapters.

So here's the things that happened. When (Y/N) and Haru became friends he bought his love of Danganronpa with him. He forced you to watch every single death and execution in all the main games, let's say nobody slept that night.

With K-pop, the reader listened to multiple kinds of music and just so happened to show Haru some songs. Since then Haru has been turned into a person who keeps up with everything K-pop.

In exchange both of you had your own mischievous ideas. For example you spent 24 hours at school as a dare. There was one time when you switch out a teachers slideshow with the best vines you could find. You've had many adventures trying to sneak out of detention.
Also I wanted to explain why Shinso is so close to the reader. Shinso has gotten close to them since he feels like he's in debt to the reader after the saved them from the bully. He feels like if the reader trusts him, he'll be able to help them and pay back his debt.
Also the I've edited a quirk, the wings are a mix of vermilion, (f/c), and light pink. I'll make chapters like these if I feel like I need to explain things in more detail.

Illusions (BNHA x Female!reader) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now