(Y/N)'s Day Out (Chapter 17)

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(Y/N) Point of View
I woke up this morning to the sun in my eyes. Since it's the weekend I might go to the mall and the cafe I love.
When I looked at my phone I saw I got a text from Iida-kun.
Good morning (L/N)-chan. Are you ready for a productive day.

Good morning. Though I don't think my day is going to be so productive.

I just wanted to check and make sure you were okay.

I'm fine. Thanks for asking.

After that, I set my phone down and got an outfit from the closet. After a little bit of looking, I decided to wear a yellow tube top with burgundy pants. I decided to wear some (f/c) (favorite color) shoes. The outfit is down below.

 The outfit is down below

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When I got to the mall I immediately went to the beauty store. I bought some stuff for my face, making sure the products didn't have any fragrance. Then I went and bought some snacks. I then went shoe shopping for a few hours, then went clothes shopping until it was the afternoon. Though I did take a lunch break. From there I went to the cafe close to the mall.
"Hi, can I get a table for one?" I asked the waitress.
When I looked at her name tag, I realized it was one of my mom's old friends. She would usually give me discounts even when I wanted to pay the full price.
"There are no open seats, but how about I sit you with someone who looks your age she asked me.
"Sure," I replied with a smile.
She led me to the booth where the person was. The hair they have kinda reminds me of Midoriya's hair, though it's black. I sat down and the person looked at me surprised.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet ya," I said.
I'm Shindo Yo, nice to meet you too.
We sat there in silence for a, while trying to look anywhere but at each other.
"Can I get your order?" Another waitress asked us.
" I'll get (f/d) and (f/f) (favorite drink and food," I said.
"I'll get what she's having." He said.
After a while, I decided to start a conversation.
"What school do you go to?" I asked.
"Ketsubetsu, what school do you go to?"
"A school," I said. I don't want to tell him what school I go to since I don't know if he hates UA or something.
"So what's your quirk?" He asked me.
"Illusions, I can make illusions that's basically it. I said. "What's your quirk?"
"Vibrate, I can vibrate anything that I touch. He explained.
Don't think dirty thoughts (Y/N), I thought.
"That's a cool quirk, it seems really practical." I said." Hey, I just met you and I know this sounds crazy, but can we exchange numbers. I said fiddling with my fingers at the last part.
"Why do you want my number?" He asked.
"Well you seem nice and maybe we could be friends so I wanted your number so I could text you," I said shyly.
"Ok then." He said giving me his phone.
When I grabbed his phone and gave him
mine I made sure to make our fingers brush so I could get some of his quirk. Once we got our own phones back the waitress came back.
"Here are your orders, sorry it took so long." She said giving out the trays. "Have a good afternoon" she said before leaving.
I took a bite into the food. Enjoying the taste of it. I noticed that Shindo was enjoying the food too. I'm pretty sure it's his first time here so I'm glad he enjoys it. After a while, we both finished our food and got the check. We ended up having an argument about who would pay. Eventually, we decided to split it 50/50. Then I walked home where I saw a note from mom
Dear (Y/N),
I left to go to a job interview, chances are you'll be home before me so I left you this note. Stay safe and make sure not to break anything.
Love, Mom.
I took the note upstairs with me and went to watch tv. I really hope mom gets the job, I thought before going to sleep.

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