Chapter 2

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Harry had come home after going to the store and helping Anne to bake the cake. He was now doing some studying for chemistry for next Wednesday.

It was 11:38pm and Harry was sitting on his desk in his room, in front of the window. He was staring at the dark view through it, letting his thoughts run through hus head. All of a sudden, he saw two guys walking down the street. They walked under a street light, bright enough for Harry to recognize the two of them; Louis and Zayn. Again. They were probably going home, or somewhere, from the store Harry saw them at earlier. Harry watched them stumble in the middle of the driveway. Harry opened the window a little to hear what they were talking about, just pure curiousity.

"Haha, wasn't he your best friend, like, a few years ago?" Zayn spoke.

"Yeah, he was. We always hung around his place playing PlayStation, he lived somewhere nearby, I think." Louis said, looking around and waving his hands a little.

Harry quickly went down from the window. It would've been weird if Louis saw him stalking them through the window of his house. Harry still could hear them talking. They must talk loud if I can hear them from this distance. Harry stood up carefully, glancing out the window. Louis and Zayn were probably trying to guess where he lived, pointing at Harry's neighbours houses. They didn't get it right, though. They kept walking and Harry looked after them until he couldn't hear or see them anymore.

Closing the window, Harry went to bed; it was getting late and he had school tomorrow. He took off his clothes, he tend to sleep naked. He fell asleep within minutes.

Harry dreamed about playing Mario Kart with Louis. They were eating the same chocolate chip cookies Louis and Zayn had eaten earlier. Harry smiled at his dream in his sleep.


  Harry woke up at 7:08am. He still could remember his dream. But why had he dreamed about Louis? Maybe seeing him at the store with those cookies just brought back some old, good memories. He didn't bother to think about it any deeper, so he got up from the warm bed and put black Calvin Klein boxers and a T-shirt on.

  Harry ate Cheerios for breakfast. Brushing his teeth, changing into a dark-red jumper and black skinny jeans, he left for school. He walked there again; he would hopefully get his driving license in a few days. He had been taking driving lessons for a while now and Anne had already bought him a car. It was a small, dark grey Toyota. Not the best one he could get, but it was just fine for his first car. Harry was really happy about getting one; he was so done with walking to school every single day.

  As Harry arrived to the grounds of his school building, he immediately noticed a big group of pupils, gathered around something, or someone, just in front of the main door, blocking Harry's way to the door. Great.

He walked closer to see if he could go through the crowd without getting punched in the face or something, that's what usually happened in these kind of situations. As he came closer, he could clearly hear a very familiar voice in the middle of the pack of people. It sounded just like Louis Tomlinson. How come.

"How much do ya offer?" He mumbled. "Hey, it wasn't that easy to get! C'mon. You won't get it for five pounds."

  Was he selling something? Not like Harry really cared what he was doing, he just wanted to get inside. His physics lesson was probably already starting.

   Harry made his way through the crowd and hurried into the physics class. He took a seat in front of the class and took his books out. Someone took a seat next to him. Harry looked up; it was Tanya. Harry and her were kind of friends - not really - they were more like two nerds who sat next to each other at lessons, making notes together. Tanya had brown, long hair and glasses. Her and Harry went to the same primary school and they used to play together when they were five year-olds. But that was back then.

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